Cosmos+Taxis publishes symposium on the work of Jobst Landgrebe and Barry Smith

The journal Cosmos+Taxis, 12 (5+6), has published a symposium on Jobst Landgrebe and Barry Smith, Why Machines Will Never Rule the World: Artificial Intelligence without Fear. The issue includes papers and reviews by more than eighteen authors.

From the website:

Cosmos + Taxis takes its name and inspiration from the Greek terms that F. A. Hayek famously invoked to connote the distinction between spontaneous orders and consciously planned orders. Cosmos + Taxis is run under the auspices of the Department of Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics, The University of British Columbia Okanagan. 

Cosmos + Taxis offers a forum to those concerned that the central presuppositions of the liberal tradition have been severely corroded, neglected, or misappropriated by overly rationalistic and constructivist approaches. The hardest-won achievements of the liberal tradition has been the wrestling of epistemic independence from overwhelming concentrations of power, monopolies and capricious zealotries. The very precondition of knowledge is the exploitation of the epistemic virtues accorded by society’s situated and distributed manifold of spontaneous orders, the DNA of the modern civil condition.

Faculty Profile

Barry Smith


Barry Smith.

Barry Smith


Barry Smith


SUNY Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
Julian Park Chair
Affiliate Professorship
Affiliate Professorship

Areas of Specialization

Applied Ontology; Artificial Intelligence


PhD, Philosophy, University of Manchester (1976)
MA, Mathematics and Philosophy, Oxford University (1975)
BA, Mathematics and Philosophy, Oxford University, 1st Class Joint Honors (1973)


Selected Publications