Institutional Memberships

Students walking near North Campus buildings in the Spring.

CATT sponsors and promotes institutional memberships that are available to all UB faculty and staff. These memberships are therefore free of charge as this service is here for your benefit. Please check this page regularly as membership opportunities may expand in the future.

Monday Morning Mentor

Kickstart your week with the Monday Morning Mentor program, designed specifically for higher education instructors. This unique professional development series offers fast, dynamic, and convenient learning opportunities that address some of the most pressing issues in academia today.

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD)

NFCDD logo.

NCFDD is an independent professional development, training and mentoring community for faculty members, postdocs and graduate students dedicated to supporting academics in making successful transitions throughout their careers. UB's institutional membership offers an array of resources to all faculty, postdocs and graduate students.



EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association and the largest community of technology, academic, industry and campus leaders advancing higher education through the use of IT. Engage with other members, explore professional development opportunities, and make informed decisions about the most urgent issues in higher education.