Personal beliefs, values and understanding about effective teaching and learning influence how a course is designed.
Your beliefs about teaching and learning influence many of the decisions you make as an instructor. Defining your philosophy helps you make thoughtful choices about how you design and teach your courses. For example, if you believe that students learn by building on prior knowledge and collaborating with others then you may want more small group discussions and team-based activities than instructor-led lectures. Having a clear understanding of who you are as an instructor and your preferred approaches and strategies will have profound impacts on how you design your course and how your students learn.
In general, the process for preparing a TLP will consist of the following:
a. Teaching Perspectives Inventory: a question inventory to help you understand your perspectives on teaching
b. Teaching Philosophies: examples by discipline (University of Michigan)
a. How to write your philosophy of education statement: prompting questions and statement stems to begin writing (University of Colorado, Boulder)
a. Rubric for composing and evaluating a statement of teaching philosophy. Download pdf (University of Michigan)
b. Rubrics and Samples: includes a variety of rubrics (University of Minnesota)
Offers guidance to develop your statement, components to use, and examples (Western University)
Help with generating ideas and writing your draft (University of Minnesota)
Now that you have thought more about and articulated your beliefs about teaching and learning, the next step is to determine learning outcomes for your course.
For further information about teaching and learning philosophy statements, see the following readings.