Some of the Faculty and Project-specific Systems at CCR
In addition to CCR's academic production cluster and visualization hardware which are freely available to UB and affiliated researchers, CCR maintains a wide variety of project-specific compute clusters. If you are a UB (or associated) faculty researcher and are interested in buying your own HPC computing resources, we encourage you to contact us. The machine room space, cooling, and networking available at CCR along with the technical expertise in system administration and programming allow UB researchers to devote their time to important research rather than cluster/systems maintenance. If the systems to be maintained fit in well with the overall architecture of CCR, then the additional staff time and effort spent maintaining them will be minimized and there will not need to be any additional associated maintanence costs. If the systems are instead special purpose or otherwise outside CCR core expertise, then some provision will need to be made for additional staff time and maintenance costs. As always CCR is open to disussing your research needs, just contact us and we will be happy to consult with you.