Established in 1973, this award is presented to scholars who bring broad academic interests; rigorous and innovative teaching methodology; and current, far-reaching knowledge to their classes. Their concern for students is evidenced by the individual attention they accord each student and by their commitment to helping students to enhance their scholarly and creative abilities and attain academic excellence.
Department of Medicine
Clinical professor of medicine, Archana Mishra, MD, is highly regarded for her expertise in pulmonary, critical care and sleep disorders; her scholarship and practice of experiential teaching methods; and her scholarly emphasis on wellness. Lauded for her innovative teaching style, Mishra has sought to better her own knowledge of teaching methods over the past decade, completing numerous courses and trainings focused on experiential teaching. Consequently, she has developed novel methods that have been instrumental in improving students’ retention of medical knowledge and decision-making skills in critical-care scenarios. Her use of gamification and simulation in the classroom has been integral to her scholarship and classroom practice, and she is internationally recognized for her work in this area.
Department of Chemistry
Associate professor of chemistry, Luis Velarde, PhD, is known for his exemplary teaching skills, his engaging mentorship and his work with K-12 students and teachers in the Buffalo Public Schools and beyond. An excellent and deeply knowledgeable teacher, Velarde is praised by students and faculty for his ability to explain complex problems in an accessible way. His mentorship has had a profound impact on students at all stages of their education, and many have gone on to careers in the field. He has served on the PhD committees of over 90 graduate students and has written numerous recommendation letters. Velarde’s mentorship also extends to his work with the National Science Foundation-funded Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Partnership, Research Experiences for Undergraduates, and Research Experience and Mentoring.