There are multiple types of questions that can be delivered in a course evaluation, each targeting a different aspect of the course.
These questions were developed by UB's Committee for University-Wide Course Evaluations based on a two-year multi-disciplinary research effort.
Overall, this course was: (Very poor, Poor, Fair, Good or Excellent)
Please rate your agreement with each of the following statements about this course:*
- The course was well organized.
- The course was intellectually challenging and stimulating.
- The work load in the course was reasonable and appropriate.
- Methods of evaluating student work were fair and appropriate.
- The course content (assignments, readings, lectures, etc.) helped me meet the learning expectations set forth by the instructor.
Please comment on the elements of the course you found particularly effective. (Qualitative)
Please comment on course improvements you would suggest. (Qualitative)
Overall, this instructor was: (Very poor, Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent or Not applicable)
Please rate your agreement with each of the following statements about the instructor:*
- The instructor clearly presented what students should learn (the expected learning outcomes) for the course.
- The instructor was enthusiastic about teaching the course.
- The instructor made students feel welcome in seeking help/advice in or outside of class.
- The instructor presented material clearly.
Please comment on how effective the instructor was in teaching this course. (Qualitative)
Course-Level Questions
Please rate your agreement with the following statements about this course:*
- The online components of the course were easy to navigate.
- Course technology requirements were clear.
- Course-required resources provided by instructor were accessible.
- UB course-required software was accessible.
- UB technical support was adequate.
- Technology was easy to use.
- Technology was reliable.
Instructor-Level Questions
Please rate your agreement with the following statements about the instructor:*
- The instructor integrated a variety of instructional methods (e.g., video or other multimedia resources).
- The instructor provided opportunities for a variety of interactions between the instructor and students (e.g., discussion boards and chats).