Exempt Human Subjects Research

Human Subjects Research involves a living individual about whom data or biospecimens are obtained, used, studied, or analyzed through interaction or intervention, or research in which identifiable, private information is used, studied, analyzed, or generated, while Exempt Research is defined as research that poses no greater than minimal risk. This UB CTSI Educational Modules video:

  • Defines Human Subjects Research 
  • Outlines Exempt Human Subjects Research?
  • Explains how to proceed with Exempt Human Subjects Research

Presented by Zachary Chakan, IRB Administrator, University at Buffalo

Running Time: 20 minutes

Posting Date: September 5, 2023

Contact Valerie Bailoni, UB IRB Helpline, ub-irb@buffalo.edu or 716-888-4888, or ​CTSI Clinical Research Facilitators Marchelle Brooks and Alexis O’Brien​, ctsihelp@buffalo.edu or ​716-829-4357

Additional resources:
Human Subject Regulations Decision Charts: https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/regulations-and-policy/decision-charts-2018/index.html

UB IRB Policies and Procedures Toolkit (HRP-312): http://www.buffalo.edu/research/research-services/compliance/irb/policies-procedures-toolkit.html