i2b2 and TriNetX: An Introduction

i2b2 and TriNetX are de-identified clinical patient databases that include inpatient, outpatient, and claims data. The databases are useful recruitment resources for UB investigators. This UB CTSI Educational Modules video outlines:

  • The purposes of and differences between i2b2 and TriNetX
  • How to use these recruitment resources
  • How to can gain access to the databases
  • The IRB documentation required for researchers to use i2b2 and TriNetX in research

Presented by Alexis O’Brien​, UB CTSI Clinical Research Facilitator

Running Time: 9 minutes

Posting Date: 
January 4, 2023

For help getting an account contact Jonathan Blaisure, UB Chief Research Information Officer, at ihireq@buffalo.edu, and for recruitment assistance contact Ashley Regling, MA, CTSI Clinical Recruitment Coordinator, and the CTSI recruitment team at ctsiresearch@buffalo.edu.                                            

Additional resources:
CTSI Recruitment Resources Toolkit (click “Participant Databases” tab for i2b2 and TriNetX information): https://www.buffalo.edu/ctsi/cores/recruitment/recruitment-resources-toolkit.html

CTSI Recruitment Assistance Service Requests: https://www.research.buffalo.edu/portal/ctsa/form/recr