Center for Biomedical Imaging Tag line.

Recruitment Resources Toolkit

There are a wide variety of tools available to University at Buffalo researchers and Buffalo Translational Consortium partners that can enhance recruitment for your research study. From feasibility through follow-up, these tools can help bolster recruitment and retention.

Resources for Researchers and Study Teams

This toolkit serves as a guide for researchers who want to enhance recruitment for their research studies. Depending on the study, multiple tools may be used. If you have any questions about a tool, please contact

UB Recruitment Flyers and Other Templates


Use one or more of these templates to create an easily customizable study flyer that is consistent with the UB branding initiative.

UB Branding Tools


Download UB Master Brand logos and logos, crests, social media buttons, and graphic elements. There is also a consolidated guide to writing and designing for the UB brand to help your recruitment plans become brand-compliant.

Social Media Advertising


UB researchers interested in social media recruitment can utilize the services of UB’s media buying vendor, Fahlgren Mortine. This marketing and communications agency will work with research teams in media planning, buying, placement, management of assets, and support of the media buys. Information on Fahlgren Mortine and its services can be found on the University Services website.



UB's Institutional Review Board (IRB) offers a variety of review services to ensure that recruitment plans and materials are compliant.


phone in hand.

Search these websites for no-cost, royalty-free images to use in study advertisements.