Center for Biomedical Imaging Tag line.

Recruitment Resources Toolkit

There are a wide variety of tools available to University at Buffalo researchers and Buffalo Translational Consortium partners that can enhance recruitment for your research study. From feasibility through follow-up, these tools can help bolster recruitment and retention.

Resources for Researchers and Study Teams

This toolkit serves as a guide for researchers who want to enhance recruitment for their research studies. Depending on the study, multiple tools may be used. If you have any questions about a tool, please contact

Recruitment Consultation

Whether a study is in the planning/grant writing phase or if it has already begun recruitment, a consultation will help research teams develop a recruitment approach best suited to the study population.

The CTSI offers:

  • Guidance on recruitment tools and compensation models.
  • Assistance creating advertising materials.
  • Connections to community partners through the Community Engagement Core.
  • Coordinator training on best practices.
  • Review of your study materials by community members.

The CTSI recruitment team will help research teams create a personalized plan to achieve study recruitment and retention goals.  


Request a consultation through the CTSI service request portal.

Community Engagement Consultation

The CTSI Community Engagement team aims to increase overall participation in clinical trials, with a special focus on the recruitment and retention of disparate populations. 

The team also offers help with:

  • Linkages to community partners
  • Creating or refining strategies for recruitment and retention of community members
  • Creating culturally sensitive recruitment and dissemination materials
  • Identifying opportunities to promote studies at health fairs and community programs
  • Writing consent forms
  • Training coordinators and assistants in informed consent best practices

To recruit underserved populations into studies and/or for help creating a recruitment and retention plan that engages community members.


Request a consultation through the CTSI service request portal.

BERD (Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design) Consultation

A BERD consultation offers statistical design and analysis of the research study from PhD-level scientists. The BERD Core also offers services in the following areas:

  • Interdisciplinary grant development
  • Methodological research and software development
  • Design of experimental and observational studies
  • Biostatistical and bioinformatic data analyses
  • Development of novel biostatistical and bioinformatic methods

Your consultation can assist with statistical design, statistical analysis of existing data, grant development, and protocol development. 

Request a biostatistics consultation through the CTSI service request portal. Typically, 10 hours of initial support for standard data analysis projects are provided free of charge.