Biomedical Informatics Workshop Series

The Introduction to Biomedical Informatics workshop will introduce participants to the field of biomedical informatics. Attendees will become familiar with the breadth of the field of biomedical informatics and learn to recognize when to refer to a biomedical informatician.

Registrants wishing to acquire deeper knowledge/skills in biomedical informatics will have the opportunity to access a free Biomedical Informatics library of workshops to receive Certificates of Completion. Those wishing to receive Certificates of Completion must access the five following videos from the Medical Bioinformatics Bootcamp Library — Clinical Decision Support (CDS); Use of AI in Medical Teaching, Medical Care, and Medical Research; Elements of Logic for Ontology Design OR Realism-based Biomedical Ontology; The Reproducibility Crisis in Biomedical Research; and Structural Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery.

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Past Series