Recent News

  • Congratulations to Oscar Gil
    Congratulations to Oscar Gil for receiving a Humanities Institute Fellowship for his "Legacies of Forced Migration and Photographic Testimonio of Indigenous Maya in the Americas" project.
  • Congratulations to Dave Pape
    Congratulations to Dave Pape for receiving three new grants: SUNY Research and Creative Activities for Undergraduates Funding for his "Virtual Production" project; Curriculum, Assessment, and Teaching Transformation (CATT) AI Seed Fund grant for his "Generative AI for Game Development," and UB OVPRED/HI Research Funding for his "CAVE Art Archive" project.
  • Congratulations to Lourdes Vera
    Congratulations to Lourdes Vera, who received a Baldy Center Grant for her project titled “Community-Centered Development of Oil and Gas Industry Report Cards to Promote Corporate Accountability and the Democratization of Data.”
  • Congratulations to Nikolaus Wasmoen
    Congratulations to Nikolaus Wasmoen for receiving a SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grant to develop updated and improved schema for the Marianne Moore Digital Archive
  • Congratulations to Alessandro Sebastiani
    The virtual exhibition “Etruscan Identities” extends the possibility of visiting the recently discovered necropolis at Podere Cannicci to everyone; the exhibition allows visitors to navigate the three Hellenistic burials discovered between 2021 and 2022 and admire 3D models of the grave goods here retrieved. The exhibition is part of the archaeological actives of the Impero Project ( and was fully funded by an Enabling Grant of the DSSN at the University at Buffalo.
  • Congratulations to Cody Mejeur
    A digital humanities series going live at Public Books: people doing different things with data, texts, and cultural criticism:  You’d have to write to Cody to see if there are talks going forward later this month or in November, because all the info he sent us initially was for talks already in the past.
  • Congratulations to Andrew Lison
    Andrew Lison: Computational Media Literacies Collaboratory! Coordinated by faculty members in the Learning and Instruction and Media Study departments, the CMLC will offer workshops on emerging computational technologies in dialogue across theory and practice.
  • Congratulations to Alessandro Sebastiani
    Alessandro Sebastiani received a UB OVPRED grant for a DH project called “Impero Goes Public” where he created a virtual archaeological exhibition of his research project in Tuscany.
  • Congratulations to Margaret Rhee and Cody Mejeur
    2/24/2021 - Congratulations to Margaret Rhee (Director) and Cody Mejeur (Associate Director) for receiving a Mellon Foundation sub-award for Palah Light Lab. The lead institution in the award was Michigan State University and the award is for “Creativity in the Time of COVID-19: Art as a Tool for Combating Inequity and Injustice.” You can read the story on UBNow.
  • Archaeological excavations (Alessandro Sebastiani, UB Classics)
    Archaeological excavations (AlessandroSebastiani, UB Classics) have  revealed  exciting discoveries: the existence of a new late Etruscan necropolis  in south Tuscany. Some findings can be seen at Impero Project— which also provides videos and daily journals of field activities