ESEA research spans across the disciplines of traffic, transportation and decision-making. See some of our past research projects below.
Research utilizing the SHRP2 Safety Data to Support Highway Safety: The Development of New Insights into Driver Behavior to Improve High Visibility Highway Safety Enforcement Programs (HVE)
Funding Agency: Federal Highway Administration, SHRP2
Project by CUBRC and UB
Effectiveness of Various Public Private Partnership Pavement Rehabilitation Treatments: A Big Data Informatics Survival Analysis of Pavement Service Life
Funding Agency: TransInfo
Project by UB
Applications of Knowledge Discovery in Massive Transportation Data: The Development of a Transportation Research Informatics Platform (TRIP)
Funding Agency: Federal Highway Administration, SHRP 2
Project by CUBRC and UB
Concept to Countermeasure - Research to Deployment Using the SHRP2 Safety Data: Pedestrian Safety and High Visibility Markings.
Funding Agency: Federal Highway Administration, SHRP 2
Project by New York State Department of Transportation, CUBRC and UB
Evaluation of Public-Private Partnership Contract Types for Roadway Constuction, Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Preservation
Funding Agency: Region II University Transportation Research Center
Project by UB
Concept to Countermeasure - Research to Deployment Using the SHRP2 Safety Data: Pedestrian Safety and High Visibility Markings.
Funding Agency: Federal Highway Administration, SHRP 2
Project by New York State Department of Transportation, CUBRC and UB
Anastasopoulos, P., Tarko, A., Mannering, F., 2008. Tobit analysis of vehicle accident rates on interstate highways. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 40(2), 768-775.
Anastasopoulos, P., Mannering, F., 2009. A note on modeling vehicle-accident frequencies with random parameter count models. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 41(1), 153-159.
Anastasopoulos, P., Labi S., McCullouch, B., 2009. Analyzing duration and prolongation of performance-based contracts using hazard-based duration and zero-inflated random parameters Poisson models. Transportation Research Record, 2136, 11-19.
Anastasopoulos, P., McCullouch, B., Gkritza, K., Mannering, F., Sinha, K.C., 2010. Cost Savings Analysis of Performance-Based Contracts for Highway Maintenance Operations. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems.
Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., Bhargava, A., Bordat, C., Mannering, F., 2010. Frequency of Change Orders in Highway Construction Using Alternate Count-Data Modeling Methods. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(8), 886-893.
Bhargava, A., Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., Sinha, K.C., Mannering, F., 2010. Three-stage least squares analysis of time and cost overruns in construction contracts. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(11), 1207-1218.
Anastasopoulos, P., Florax, R., Labi S., Karlaftis, M., 2010. Contracting in highway maintenance and rehabilitation: Are spatial effects important? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 44, 136-146.
Anastasopoulos, P., Labi S., McCullouch, B., Karlaftis, M., Moavenzadeh, F., 2010. Influence of highway project characteristics on contract type selection: Empirical assessment. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 16(4), 323-333.
Irfan, M., Bilal Khurshid, M., Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., Moavenzadeh, F., 2011. Planning Stage Estimation of Highway Project Duration on the basis of Anticipated Project Cost, Project Type, and Contract Type. International Journal of Project Management, 29, 78-92.
Anastasopoulos, P., Mannering, F., 2011. An empirical assessment of fixed and random parameter logit models using crash- and non-crash-specific injury data. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43(3), 1140-1147.
Anwaar, A., Van Boxel, D., Volovski, M., Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., Sinha, K., 2011. Using lagging headways to estimate passenger car equivalents on basic freeway sections. Journal of Transportation of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2(1), 1-17.
Anastasopoulos, P., Islam, M., Volovski, M., Powell, J., Labi, S., 2011. Comparative evaluation of public-private partnerships in roadway preservation. Transportation Research Record, 2235, 9-19.
Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., Karlaftis, M., Mannering, F., 2011. Exploratory State-level empirical assessment of pavement performance. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 17(4), 200-215.
Anastasopoulos, P., Mannering, F., Shankar, V., Haddock, J., 2012. A study of factors affecting highway accident rates using the random-parameters tobit model. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 45, 628-633.
Anastasopoulos, P., Shankar, V., Haddock, J., Mannering, F., 2012. A multivariate tobit analysis of highway accident-injury-severity rates. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 45, 110-119.
Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., Bhargava, A., Mannering, F. 2012. Empirical assessment of the likelihood and duration of highway project time delays. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 18(3), 390-398.
Anastasopoulos, P., Islam, M., Perperidou, D., Karlaftis, M., 2012. Hazard-based analysis of travel distance in urban environments: A longitudinal data approach. ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 138(1), 53-61.
Anwaar, A., Anastasopoulos, P., Ong, G. Labi, S., Islam, M., 2012. Factors affecting highway safety, health care services, and motorization - An exploratory empirical analysis using aggregate data. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 4(2), 94-115.
Tanaka, A., Anastasopoulos, P., Carboneau, N., Fricker, J., Habermann, J., Haddock, J., 2012. Policy considerations for construction of Wind farms and biofuel plant facilities: A guide for local agencies. State and Local Government Review, 44(2), 140-149.
Anastasopoulos, P., Mannering, F., Haddock, J., 2012. A random parameters seemingly unrelated equations approach to the post-rehabilitation performance of pavements. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure System, 18(3), 176-182.
Anastasopoulos, P., Karlaftis, M., Haddock, J. Mannering, F., 2012. Household automobile and motorcycle ownership analyzed with random parameters bivariate ordered probit model. Transportation Research Record, 2279, 12-20.
Anastasopoulos, P., Haddock, J., Karlaftis, M., Mannering, F., 2012. Analysis of urban travel times: Hazard-based approach to random parameters. Transportation Research Record, 2302, 121-129.
Anastasopoulos, P., Volovski, M., Labi, S., 2013. Preservation: Are Public Private Partnerships Cutting Costs? Pavement Preservation Journal, 6(3), 33-35.
Anastasopoulos, P., Haddock, J., Peeta, S., 2014. Improving system wide sustainability in pavement preservation programming. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 140(3) , 04013012.
Russo, B., Savolainen, P., Schneider, W., Anastasopoulos, P., 2014. Comparison of factors affecting injury severity in angle collisions by fault status using a random parameters bivariate ordered probit model. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 2, 21-29.
Anastasopoulos, P., Haddock, J., Peeta, S., 2014. Cost overrun in public-private partnerships: Toward sustainable highway maintenance and rehabilitation. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 140(6), 04014018.
Anastasopoulos, P., Mannering, F., 2014. Analysis of pavement overlay and replacement performance using random-parameters hazard-based duration models. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000208 , 04014024.
Warith, A., Anastasopoulos, P., Richardson, W., Fricker, J., Haddock, J., 2014. Design of local roadway infrastructure to service sustainable energy facilities. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 4(1), 4:14, doi:10.1186/2192-0567-4-14.
Warith, K., Anastasopoulos, P., Seidel, J., Haddock, J., 2015. A simple guide to low-volume road design. Transportation Research Record, 2472, 29-39.
Anastasopoulos, I., Anastasopoulos, P., Agalianos, A., Sakellariadis, L., 2015. Simple method for real-time seismic damage assessment of bridges. Forthcoming, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.
Anastasopoulos, I., Anastasopoulos, P., Agalianos, A., Sakellariadis, L., 2015. Simple method for real-time seismic damage assessment of bridges. Forthcoming, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.
Anastasopoulos, P., Gkritza, K., McCullouch, B., Mannering, F., Sinha, K.C., 2008. Performance-based contracting for roadway maintenance: An exploratory empirical analysis. 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in
Bhargava, A., Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., Sinha, K.C., Mannering, F., 2008. A simple model for predicting delay at actuated signalized intersections. 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, Athens, Greece, 5/2008.
Bhargava, A., Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., Sinha, K.C., Mannering, F., 2008. An analysis of cost and time overruns of construction contracts using system equation methods. 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, Athens, Greece, 5/2008.
Bhargava, A., Anastasopoulos, P., Mannering, F., Sinha, K.C., Labi, S., 2008. Analyzing time delay of highway construction transportation contracts: An exploratory study. 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, CO, 8/2008.
Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., Karlaftis, M., Mannering, F., 2009. Exploring Relationships between Aggregate Pavement Performance, and Surface Geology, Climate, and Expenditure: An Econometric Analysis of State-level Data. 88th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1/11-15 2009.
Anastasopoulos, P., Labi S., McCullouch, B., 2009. Identifying Appropriate Contract Type on the Basis of Highway Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project Characteristics. 88th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1/11-15 2009.
Anastasopoulos, P., Mannering, F., 2009. Modeling Vehicle-Accident Frequencies with Random-Parameter Count Models. 88th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1/11-15, 2009.
Anastasopoulos, P., Labi S., McCullouch, B., 2009. Analyzing Duration and Prolongation of Performance-Based Contracts Using Hazard-Based Duration and Zero-Inflated Random Parameters Poisson Models. 88th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1/11-15 2009.
Irfan, M., Bilal Khurshid, M., Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., 2009. An Econometric Analysis of the Influence of Highway Project Size, Project Type, and Contract Type on Project Duration. 88th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1/11-15 2009.
McCullouch, B., Anastasopoulos, P., 2009. Performance Based Contracting, Yes or No, an In-Depth Analysis. 12th AASHTO/TRB Maintenance Management Conference, Annapolis, MD, 7/2009.
Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., 2009. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Highway Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, and Operations. InStep, InLine, OnTime: Regional Strategies for Trade, Security and Mobility Challenges at the U.S.-Canada Border, A Nextrans Conference, Purdue University Discovery Park, West Lafayette, IN, 11/16/2009.
Scheinberg, T., Anastasopoulos, P., 2010. Pavement Preservation Programming: A Multi-Year Multi-Constraint Optimization Methodology. 89th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1/10-14 2010.
Anastasopoulos, P., Mannering, F., Tarko, A., 2011. A note on vehicle crash-injury severity analysis with the mixed logit model. 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1/23-27 2011.
Anastasopoulos, P., Islam, M., Karlaftis, M., 2011. A travel time-to-destination analysis in urban metropolitan areas. 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1/23-27 2011.
Anwaar, A., Anastasopoulos, P., Islam, M., Labi, S., 2011. Road fatalities, health service quality, and motorization level: An empirical analysis using aggregate country-level data. 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1/23-27 2011.
Anastasopoulos, P., Islam, M., Volovski, M., Powell, J., Labi, S., 2011. Comparative analysis of public-private partnerships in roadway preservation. 90th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, 1/23-27 2011.
Islam, M., Anastasopoulos, P., Perperidou, D., Karlaftis, M., 2011. Car and motorcycle ownership in a congested environment. 52nd Transportation Research Forum, Long Beach, CA, 3/10-12 2011.
Anastasopoulos, P., Islam, M., Karlaftis, M., 2011. Hazard-based analysis of travel distance in urban environments: A longitudinal data approach. 52nd Transportation Research Forum, Long Beach, CA, 3/10-12 2011.
Anastasopoulos, P., Mannering, F., 2011. Survival analysis of pavement service lives with limited data: A random parameters hazard-based duration framework. 52nd Transportation Research Forum, Long Beach, CA, 3/10-12 2011.
Anwaar, A., Volovski, M., Anastasopoulos, P., Labi, S., Sinha, K., 2011. Passenger car equivalents for basic freeway segments based on lagging headways: Some new evidence using a system of equations approach. 52nd Transportation Research Forum, Long Beach, CA, 3/10-12 2011.
Anastasopoulos, P., 2011. Analytical estimation of safety-determined pavement performance thresholds. 52nd Transportation Research Forum, Long Beach, CA, 3/10-12 2011.
Anastasopoulos, P., Mannering, F., 2011. Pavement deterioration modeling: Accounting for heterogeneity and simultaneous relationships. 52nd Transportation Research Forum, Long Beach, CA, 3/10-12 2011.Labi, S., Bai, Q., Kumar, I, Ahmed, A., Anastasopoulos, P., 2011. Quantifying System Vulnerability as a Performance Measure for Systems Investment Evaluation and Decision-making. International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM) and the Fifth International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis (ISUMA), Hyattsville, MD, 4/11-13 2011
Figueroa Bueno, C., Slusher, L., Anastasopoulos, P., Carboneau, N., Habermann, J., 2011. Evaluation of Sign Replacement Projects in Rural Indiana. 2011 SURF Research Symposium, West Lafayette, IN, 8/3 2011
Leckrone, S., Tarko, A., Anastasopoulos, P. On improving safety at high-speed rural intersections. 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, IN, 9/14-16 2011
Tarko, A., Anastasopoulos, P., P�rez-Zuriaga, A. Can Education and Enforcement Affect Behavior of Car and Truck Drivers on Urban Freeways? 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, IN, 9/14-16 2011
Warith, A., Richardson, W., Anastasopoulos, P., Carboneau, N., Fricker, J., Habermann, J., Haddock, J., 2012. Impacts of Sustainable Energy Facility Construction on Local Roads. 53rd Transportation Research Forum, Tampa, FL, 3/15-17 2012
Warith, K., Anastasopoulos, P., Seidel, J., Carboneau, N., Habermann, J., Haddock. J., 2012. A simple guide on low volume road design. 53rd Transportation Research Forum, Tampa, FL, 3/15-17 201
Tanaka, A., Anastasopoulos, P., Carboneau, N., Fricker, J., Habermann, J., Haddock, J., 2012. Construction of sustainable energy facilities:� Policy considerations for local agencies. 53rd Transportation Research Forum, Tampa, FL, 3/15-17 2012
Jordan, G., Androutselis, T., Anastasopoulos, P., Somenahalli, S., Peeta, S., 2015. A random parameters hazard-based duration analysis of senior travelers� activity-based travel time and distance. 56th Annual Transportation Research Forum,Atlanta, Georgia, 3/2015
Sarwar, T., Anastasopoulos, P., 2015. A three-stage least squares analysis of post-rehabilitation pavement performance. 56th Annual Transportation Research Forum,Atlanta, Georgia, 3/201
Androutselis, T., Anastasopoulos, P., Anastasopoulos, I., 2015. Assessment of seismic damage of a bridge pier using a seemingly unrelated nonlinear equations approach. 56th Annual Transportation Research Forum,Atlanta, Georgia, 3/201
Eker, U., Androutselis, T., Golshani, N., Anastasopoulos, P., 2015. Do the same factors affect accident frequencies on highway segments with different traffic volumes and traffic compositions? 56th Annual Transportation Research Forum,Atlanta, Georgia, 3/201
Limoges, R., Blatt, A., Pierowicz, J., Anastasopoulos, P., Majka, K., Adams, D., 2015. Crosswalk markings and corridor studies: An engineering perspective to improving pedestrian safety. To be presented at the New York Highway Safety Annual Fall Symposium, Binghamton, New York, 10/201
Anastasopoulos, I., Anastasopoulos, P., Agalianos, A., Sakellariadis L. On the development of a Rapid Response System for Motorways. To be presented at the 6th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Christchurch, New Zealand, 11/1-4 2015
Hulme, K., Morris, K., Fabiano, G., Frank, M., Houston, R., Anastasopoulos, P., 2015. Multi-measure assessment of internal distractions on driver performance. To be presented at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, Florida, 12/201
Sarwar, T., Nahidi, A., Anastasopoulos, P., 2015. Analysis of accident injury-severities of helmeted and non-helmeted motorcyclists. To be presented at the 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference,Orlando, Florida, 10/2015
Sarwar, T., Anastasopoulos, P., 2015. The effect of long term non-evasive pavement deterioration on accident injury-severity rates: A seemingly unrelated equations approach. To be presented at the 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference,Orlando, Florida, 10/201
Anastasopoulos, P., 2015. Random parameters multivariate tobit and zero-inflated count data models: Addressing unobserved and zero-state heterogeneity in accident injury-severity rate and frequency analysis. To be presented at the 2015 Road Safety & Simulation International Conference,Orlando, Florida, 10/2015
Courtney Bentley, 2015. Effectiveness of high-visibility crosswalks on pedestrian safety surrogates: An exploratory empirical analysis using the SHRP 2 naturalistic driving data. M.Sc. Thesis, SUNY-Buffalo.
Md Tawfiq Sarwar, 2015. The effect of Pavement deterioration on rural and urban roadway accident injury-severities. Ph.D. Dissertation, SUNY-Buffalo.
Thomas Androutselis, 2015. Seismic damage assessment of representative motorway bridges: A three-stage least squares approach. M.Sc. Thesis, SUNY-Buffalo.
Nima Golshani, 2015. Analysis of aggressive driving behavior: A driving simulation study. M.Sc. Thesis, SUNY-Buffalo.
Seyedata Nahidi, 2015. Evaluation of public-private partnership contract types for roadway construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation. M.Sc. Thesis, SUNY-Buffalo.