Get to Know Our Scholars

Paul Dewan Jr. (left), Meghan Sullivan and Krish Patel (right).

2022 Barry Goldwater Scholarship Winners, Paul Dewan Jr. (left), Meghan Sullivan and Krish Patel (right)

UB is the proud home of several prestigious award recipients like Madelaine Britt, UB's first Truman Scholar. Take a look though our scholars gallery, where we highlight some of UB's other award recipients and scholarship applicants.

Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship

Bearden, Michki

Two University at Buffalo physics majors received the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, a prestigious national honor.

Maxwell Bileschi

Maxwell "Max" Bileschi has received the prestigious Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education award, given nationally to outstanding undergraduate sophomores and juniors studying mathematics, science or engineering.

Bradley Cheetham

While many lament the end of the Space Shuttle program, Brad Cheetham sees opportunity.

Dundas, Maffettone (Tucciarone)

University at Buffalo chemical engineering majors Christopher Dundas and Phillip Maffettone (Tucciarone) are now a part of the prestigious group of students to receive the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship.

Fedorishin, Seppala

A physics and math major whose self-proclaimed strength is to problem-solve from multiple directions, and the U.S.-born son of Belarus immigrants who is determined to become a “pioneer” in how artificial intelligence can improve national security are two of UB’s Barry Goldwater Scholarship recipients.

Fortman, Gosrich, Stewart

Fortman and Gosrich are among 240 students chosen nationwide from among 1,286 students nominated for the Goldwater scholarship from 470 institutions of higher education. Stewart received an honorable mention.

Anoop Kiran

Anoop Kiran, an aerospace engineering student who chose the field because it “drives innovation and inspiration” is another UB recipient of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship.

Kong, Lin, Monakhova

Kong, Lin and Monakhova are among 260 award recipients chosen by the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program. Congress established the program in 1986 to honor Barry Goldwater, a five-term senator from Arizona.

Sharon Lin

Sharon Lin, a 2016 UB Graduate and Recipient of the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, chose to pursue her PhD in chemical engineering at MIT.

Cassondra Lyman

Cassondra Lyman, a psychology major who hopes to research social and cognitive aspects of depression is a UB Goldwater scholar.

Jasmine May

Jasmine May, a 2012 UB graduate and recipient of the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, is a neurology resident at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

Daniel Salem

Every year a select few students are awarded the nationally renowned Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship. Daniel Salem, a chemical engineering major at the UB, has now joined that prestigious group.

Anna Smith

Anna Smith earned distinction around the University at Buffalo campus for her—to say the least—nontraditional career path.

Lea Kyle and Sydney Swedick

Lea Kyle, a biochemistry student, and Sydney Swedick, a biomedical engineering student, are UB’s 2023 recipients of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship.