
Readers share their thoughts

A more ‘free-form’ opening weekend

When I saw the photo depicting the Opening Weekend tradition of students assembling to form the UB logo [“First Look,” Winter 2016], my first thought was, “What a difference 46 years makes.” I remember my first event in September 1969 on the Main Street Campus as slightly more free-form. A live band played by the fountain behind the Student Union [now Squire Hall], everyone danced, and one overly exuberant attendee stripped off all his clothes and continued dancing naked. No one seemed to mind. It was, after all, only a month after Woodstock. Thanks for the memories.

Diane Olivo (BA ’73)
Oceanside, Calif.

Up close with UB’s GRoW Home

I enjoy receiving At Buffalo magazine—it helps me to stay connected with Buffalo. I grew up in the area, and left for employment reasons in 1963; I now reside in Anaheim, Calif. Because of this, I was able to view the GRoW Home when it was on display in Irvine [“The GRoW Home!” Winter 2016]. I was delighted to see that they were awarded second place. The day I was there, the GRoW Home was the only home of the 14 that was returning energy to the grid. It is a marvelous accomplishment!

Dale Gilbert (BS ’60)
Anaheim, Calif.

The joys of java

The article on the research of alumna Roseann Santos [“Top Five,” Winter 2016] offered excellent reminders for making good coffee, especially regarding water quality. I would love to see a discussion of the types of coffee beans and their countries of origin.

Bob Adamski (BA ’71)
Loudon, Tenn.

Latin lesson

Reading my copy of At Buffalo, I was shocked to read, “it’s produced by a bacteria called…” [“E. Coli: Man’s Best Friend?” Winter 2016]. “Bacteria” is plural, so “bacterium” is the word that should have been used here. Thanks for the magazine.

James W. Corpening (PhD ’02, MA ’97)
Buffalo, N.Y.

Editor’s response: You’re right, Dr. Corpening. Apologies for the error.

Kudos for At Buffalo

Thank you for the “Small Wonders” article on UB research to contain cancer [“Keeping Cancer in Its Place,” Fall 2015] and your super-interesting alumni magazine. Every issue is a gem, and I read it cover to cover.

Rosalie Turton (EdD ’89)
Washington, N.J.

More class notes please

I recently received the Winter 2016 edition of At Buffalo and noted that your “Class Notes by Decade” starts with the 1970s. I graduated from UB with a bachelor of arts in 1957 and then graduated from the Law School in 1960. It’s a shame that you do not have class notes by decade from the 1950s and 1960s, because I am sure there are many graduates from that era. Why no class notes on alumni of this era?

Anthony D. Parone (JD ’60, BA ’57)
Niagara Falls, N.Y.

Editor’s response: We welcome news from graduates of all eras. However, we rely on submissions from alumni to fill this section. Please email your updates or submit them through UB Connect.

From the Editor’s Desk

In response to the editor’s essay asking (not so rhetorically), “Is Anyone Out There?” several readers sent us reassuring messages. “Of course, we’re out there reading your fine magazine,” wrote the dad of a recent graduate. An alumna left an after-hours voicemail saying she especially liked our stories on research discoveries and community outreach. But another reader, a marketing professional and UB graduate, chided us for not including more inclusive contact information, like email or Twitter addresses, if we’re serious about encouraging reader submissions. So beginning with this issue, we’re including the editor’s email address with the essay to make ourselves more available.

We want to hear from you!

Send letters and comments to Editor with the subject heading “Letters.” Or mail to Editor, At Buffalo, 330 Crofts Hall, Buffalo, N.Y. 14260. Letters are subject to editing for length and clarity. Please include a daytime phone number for verification.

At Buffalo Coffee Mug Winner!

Valarie Ellis (BS ’02) of Fayetteville, N.Y., is the winner of our Careful Reader Quiz (“What weighs 2,000 pounds and is roughly as tall as Shaquille O’Neal?”). The answer: “Mars Curiosity Rover,” as reported in our story on UB’s longstanding relationship with NASA (“The Right Stuff,” Winter 2016). Ellis, whose name was randomly chosen from the correct submissions, will receive an At Buffalo mug.