Current GEM Studies

Interdisciplinary teams of GEM scientists are tackling a variety of GEM-themed questions.

Buffalo, NY.

The UB Jacobs School of Medicine is conducting a study about human genes and genetics. We hope to learn about your perceptions, knowledge and beliefs about genetic science. While some of the questions are personal, all of your answers are recorded without your name, so there is no risk in participating.  This survey is completely anonymous and will take approximately 5-10 minutes.

Survey link:

Principal Investigator: Jennifer Surtees, PhD
Principal Investigator: Richard Gronostajski, PhD
Principal Investigator: Ira J. Blader, PhD
Co-Investigator: Alexis Thompson, PhD
Principal Investigators: Robert J. Genco, DDS, PhD & Michael J. Lamonte, PhD, MPH
Principal Investigators: Laurie K. Read, PhD & Jie Wang, PhD
Principal Investigators: Thomas Russo, MD & Peter Elkin, MD
Principal Investigator: Laura Rusche, PhD
Co-Investigators: John Panepinto, PhD & Tao Liu, PhD
Principal Investigators: Omer Gokcumen, PhD & Animesh Sinha, MD, PhD
Co-Investigators: Kristina Seiffert-Sinha, MD; Danel Gaile, PhD; David Tritchler, D.Sc
Principal Investigator: Lixin Zhu, PhD
Co-Investigators: Susan Baker, MD, PhD; Robert Genco, DDS, PhD; Michael Buck, PhD
Principal Investigators: Rabi Yacoub, MD & Lee Chaves, PhD
Principal Investigators: Vanessa Barnabei, MD, PhD, Robert Genco, DDS, PhD
Co-Investigators: Adina Ionescu, MD; Tammy Thompson, DDS; Karen Falkner, RN, PhD; James Jarvis, MD; Michael Buck, PhD; Yijun Sun, PhD
Principal Investigators: Gerald Koudelka, PhD & Mira Edgerton, DDS, PhD
Principal Investigator: Manoj Mammen, MD
Co-Investigators: Sanjay Sethi, MD; Michael Buck, PhD; Yijun Sun, PhD