Michael Abels (center), an American composer, speaks with prof. Melissa White (right) and Marshall Lindsey (left), on the stage in the Baird Hall Recital Hall in April 2024. Photography: Meredith Forrest Kulwicki.

Michael Abels (center), an American composer, speaks with prof. Melissa White (right) and Marshall Lindsey (left), on the stage in the Baird Hall Recital Hall in April 2024.

Photography: Meredith Forrest Kulwicki


Contact the Search Committee

The search committee for the position of dean of the College of Arts and Sciences welcomes input and questions from the campus and community at any time during the search process.

Please offer your feedback, thoughts or questions on the search here.

Please be assured that your comments are anonymous. All reports generated from this survey will be in the aggregate, i.e., no individual responses will be disclosed.