Current Executive Board

LGBTQ FSA steering committee members volunteering at an event.

LGBTQ Faculty and Staff Association board members volunteer at the 2018 Gay 5K, part of Buffalo Pride Week. Clockwise from bottom left:  Jessica DiPasquale, Javier Bustillos, Naciah Bell, Kelly Cruttenden, Ben Fabian, and Todd Nibbe.

The LGBTQ FSA is led by an Executive Board of volunteer UB faculty and staff who meet monthly to plan and coordinate asssociation business, events, and initiatives.

Current Executive Board


Ben Fabian, President  (he/him)
Associate Director, Dean of Students Office

Derek Nichols, Vice President (he/they)
Associate Director for Sustainability

Dylan Steed, Treasurer (he/him)
Community Relations Specialist, Office of Government and Community Relations

Kelly Cruttenden, Secretary (she/her)
Associate Athletic Director for Compliance, Athletics

Daniel Kaczmarek, Membership Coordinator (he/him)
Director of Assessment and Research, Student Life

Ali Bitterman, Member at Large (she/her)
Senior Research and Data Analyst, Student Life

Cody Mejeur, Member at Large (they/them)
Assistant Professor, Media Studies

Ally Sievers, Member at Large (she/her)
LEAD Coordinator, Student Engagement