Electrical engineering senior receives Tau Beta Pi scholarship

By Elizabeth Egan 

Published September 18, 2024

Amanda Newbury, a senior majoring in electrical engineering and mathematics, has been selected for a 2024 Tau Beta Pi Association Scholarship. Out of over 1,300 applicants, only 250 students were selected to receive the $2,000 cash award for the 2024-25 academic year. 

Amanda Newbury.

The scholarships are awarded for the competitive criteria of high scholarship, campus leadership, service and the promise of future contributions to the engineering profession.

Tau Beta Pi is the nation's second-oldest honor society and the only engineering honor society to recognize individuals from all engineering disciplines. The University at Buffalo's chapter was established in 1967 and has over 3,700 members. Newbury was inducted at the beginning of her junior year and now serves as the chapter president.

As president, Newbry is responsible for coordinating chapter events such as the Honors Dinner, a dinner for chapter members and potential inductees that takes place the night before UB’s STEAM Job and Internship Fair, and other professional development and social events.

In October, Newbury will travel to Rapid City, South Dakota to attend the chapter’s Tau Beta Pi Annual Convention, where delegates from each chapter vote on important policy issues, constitutional amendments and elect the national officers.

On top of her role in Tau Beta Pi, Newbury is a student leader and grader in the EAS 199 Engineering Principles seminar for first-year students.

“It is a great way to stay involved and help students become excited about engineering,” Newbury noted.

She also plays the clarinet in a campus chamber group.

After graduating, Newbury hopes to pursue a master’s degree in electrical engineering.

“There is a whole world of possibilities after graduation,” said Newbury.