Supporting Faculty Success Through COACHE Survey

Published February 7, 2022

Updated February 16, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that UB will once again be participating in the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) survey of faculty career satisfaction. This national research survey, operated from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, is specifically designed to assess faculty views on an important range of university policies, practices and working conditions to provide our institution with valuable feedback and benchmarking data. Your views are especially important to us as we strive to attract and retain the most outstanding scholars, artists, teachers, and clinicians; to enhance the satisfaction of all faculty; and to continue to make UB a great place to build your academic career.

This is the fifth time UB will be participating in the COACHE survey. Faculty feedback from the most recent survey in 2017 contributed to the development of improved policies and programs in areas that enhance faculty career success and satisfaction, including new faculty orientation; mentoring; professional development; equity, inclusion, and social justice; support for faculty awards and recognition; and professional development for non-tenure-track faculty.

Your participation will entail completing a 25-minute web-based survey. Your unique link to the survey will be emailed to you from COACHE ( in the coming days. COACHE will not use any name or email address for any purpose except this study. In a process approved by Harvard’s institutional review board, COACHE will provide our campus with their summary analysis, as well as the confidential unit-record database, stripped of names and email addresses. Only staff from the Office of Institutional Analysis at UB will have access to the unit-record data, and results will only be disseminated in aggregated form to ensure that individual faculty and individual departments cannot be identified.

Further information about the COACHE survey and UB’s participation in it is available on the Faculty Affairs website. If you have any questions, please contact Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs Robert Granfield at or you may contact COACHE directly at

The meaningfulness of the COACHE survey depends on broad faculty participation. We thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey so we can learn from your views and experiences.                           



A. Scott Weber
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

Robert Granfield
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

Fred Stoss
Chair, Faculty Senate