June 4, 2019, 9:30am to 3:30 pm
Capen Hall, North Campus
Does your program, department, or office provide resources and/or opportunities to University at Buffalo staff?
If yes, the Professional Staff Senate Committee for Inclusion and Diversity invites you to share these opportunities at the 2019 UB staff Inclusion and Diversity day.
Purpose: This resource fair is designed to inform University at Buffalo staff of opportunities and resources available to them. Presenting programs will be given a table and space in the Registration/Information room of the event, and will be invited to speak with staff through-out the day.
Options: University at Buffalo programs and departments are invited to host a table in the resource room where representatives can meet with university staff. A second option is to submit informational materials, which will be made available throughout the conference. Please contact the committee chair (below) for more information. The resource fair will be open from 10:30am until 2:30pm.
Cost: There is no additional cost to host a table at this event; we only ask that each participant register to attend (cost of attendance is $15).
Committee Contact
Heather Hagenbuch (Chair)
Inclusion and Diversity Committee
The Professional Staff Senate
543 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14261-1601