Published February 26, 2024
UB is heading into the homestretch of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education reaccreditation process, with the full Middle States evaluation team scheduled to visit campus March 10-13.
Members of the UB community can view the university’s self-study report on the accreditation website.
UB’s self-study report, a key component of the reaccreditation process, comprises the university’s institutional goals and the progress made toward achieving those goals within the context of Middle States’ seven standards of excellence.
The report, prepared by five teams of more than 100 individuals from around the university, takes an evidence-based approach to address the standards, and “demonstrates how we are achieving our mission-driven priorities as a premier public research university,” President Satish K. Tripathi told the university community in an email announcing publication of the self-study and the upcoming visit by the Middle States review team. He noted that members of the campus community will be invited to participate in the meetings with the review team, which includes evaluators from peer institutions.
Tripathi thanked faculty and staff who helped prepare the self-study report. “This university-wide effort has generated a great deal of thoughtful, productive conversations about our institutional goals and progress,” he said, “and I deeply appreciate the support and engagement of our entire UB community — faculty, students and staff — throughout the process of reaccreditation.”
UB expects to receive reaccreditation at the June 2024 Middle States commission meeting.
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