Our REC physical activity courses boost health, reduce stress, aid learning, foster well-rounded growth, and also earns you academic credit.
We offer academic classes that focus on physical activity to boost well-being. Each semester, we have about 150 classes covering activities like dance, yoga, fitness, and more. Some even offer certifications.
Physical activity 1 and 2 credited classes are repeatable; no more than 8 credit hours of physical activity course work can count towards total credit hours required for an undergraduate Bachelor's degree conferral.
Students register for classes on HUB, which is available via MyUB. Information about HUB, including how-to videos, is available on the HUB Support website.
REC course registration follows the university registration calendar.
Course offerings include 15 week classes, and two 7-week sessions. The first 7-week session starts at the beginning of the semester; the second 7-week courses start it the middle of the semester. It is the students responsibility to be aware of drop/add and registration for these classes.
Students are recommended to view their entire schedule via HUB rather than relying on UBlearns to list all courses registered for each semester. UBlearns only lists courses activate for UBlearns, it does not list a complete and current student schedule.
During the fall and spring semesters, you may change standard (15 week Regular session) classes on your schedule (adding or dropping courses) at any time between your enrollment appointment until the end of the 7th day that classes are in session, including Saturdays. Courses dropped during this period will not appear on your transcript, and you are not financially responsible for these courses.
UB offers a number of courses outside of the standard 15-week schedule. For these courses, drop/add dates are based on a proportion of the class equal to that for the standard session. For specific session dates, see your HUB Student Center.
Even if you drop a class by the drop deadline, you may still be required to pay a portion of tuition and fees associated with the class. Be sure to review the financial liability deadlines.
During the fall and spring semesters, from the 7th day of classes until the end of the 11th week of classes, you may visit your HUB Student Center (via MyUB, UBITName and password required) to resign from one or more of your classes. The result of this action is that an “R” remains on your transcript as a neutral indicator of the action. There may be a 50% – 100% tuition penalty for resigning a course, depending on when you resign the course. See Financial Liability Deadlines.
Note: Summer and winter sessions and non-standard fall and spring classes have course-specific deadlines to make changes to your schedule. Refer to the summer sessions registration dates and financial liability deadlines.
Please also consider the following before resigning from a class:
Are you a graduate student interested in a REC physical activity class?
Graduate students can register for undergraduate classes with approval to enhance their well-being. To imitate the process, graduate students should complete the petition (download link below) to take a class outside of their major. Once approved, the student will be officially registered.
It is the student’s responsibility to initiate a request for an incomplete. The reason for requesting an incomplete must be acceptable to the instructor, who establishes specific make-up requirements. REC courses are based on physical activity; if a student is physically unable to participate in class(s) for an extended period of time due to but not limited to illness, emergency, family emergency, accident, hearing, or interview a student must provide documentation to the instruction within one week of absence.
Recreation requires documentation. Documentation must list dates and coincide with class absences.
The symbol of incomplete is only appropriate when two basic conditions are met:
An incomplete may not be given merely because a student was unable to complete all class requirements on time. Such a practice would be open to abuse.
The student must initiate incomplete process; student should contact instructor asking for incomplete. The instructor will then communicate with Instruction about the incomplete request; an Incomplete Agreement will then be completed if the instructor and Instruction feels as though an Incomplete is warranted.
Are you 60 years of age or older? Are you looking for self-enrichment or perhaps simply exploring your academic options? If so, the University at Buffalo is the perfect place for you! Take advantage of our 60 and Over Auditors Program that offers classes to members of our community free of charge. You may enroll in this program, based upon space availability.
Simply complete the Sixty and Over Auditors Program Request Form (PDF)Download pdf and obtain the instructor’s signature for the course(s) you wish to audit.
Please mail the completed form or bring it in person to:
University at Buffalo
1 Capen Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260-1631
Upon completion of the form, we will give you instructions on how to obtain a parking permit as well as how to access the computers at UB.
Jessica Nyrop
Associate Director for Fitness and Instruction