
Grades contains a listing of all of a student’s courses with corresponding midterm and final grades organized by the term that the course was taken.

Log into MyUB and click on HUB Student Center

1. Select the “Grades/Awards” tile.

2. Select “Grades” from the navigation pane.

3. Select a “Term” to view grades.

4. After selecting a term, to select a different term click on “Change” and select a different term.

5. “Official Grades” are displayed for all courses for a term. “Midterm” grades can be found in the last column for a class.

To view details about a GPA, click on the GPA fields.

6. Viewing GPA details.

Learn More.

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1Capen (North Campus), Buffalo, NY 14260-1631; 1Diefendorf (South Campus)

Phone: 716-645-5698; Fax: 716-645-7762
