Personal Information To-Do

Students will be prompted each term to review and enter their personal information, including emergency contact phone numbers and addresses.

Log into MyUB and click on HUB Student Center

1. Select the “To-Do” tile.

2. Select the “Personal Information Update” task.

3. The to-do item will open and prompt the user to complete a series of steps.

Track progress on the left-hand side of the screen. Read through the instructions and select “Confirm” to move along to the next step of the to-do item.

4. Follow the directions in the to-do item to complete each step. Click the “Next” button to proceed to the next step.

5. Once the to-do item is completed, it will appear in the To-Do tile under “Completed Agreements” section.

Learn More.

Need Help?

1Capen (North Campus), Buffalo, NY 14260-1631; 1Diefendorf (South Campus)

Phone: 716-645-5698; Fax: 716-645-7762
