Laboratory Animal Facilities (LAF)

lab - sperm samples.

The UB Division of Laboratory Animal Facilities (LAF) is a centralized service organization responsible for the animal care-and-use program campus wide.

Our Mission

Our primary mission is to assure that healthy animals are available for use by faculty members who have received approval to perform research, testing or educational studies on animal subjects.

On this page:


Information on services, both administrative and veterinary, can be found on the Comparative Medicine Laboratory Animal Facilities current website. There, you can also find appropriate forms and information on husbandry.

  • Veterinary / Husbandry Services
    We have clinical veterinarians, licensed veterinary technicians and experienced animal caretakers.
  • Animal Care Fees
    In order to maintain staffing, supplies and equipment the LAF has a per diem fee structure for the care of animals. The rates run concurrent with UB's fiscal year, July 1—June 30.
  • Facilities Information
    The LAF operates seven accredited and licensed animal facilities on UB North, South and Downtown campuses, all capable of receiving PHS funding.
  • Administrative Services
    An integral part of an animal care program is attending to the needs of researchers from an administrative perspective. The LAF has a knowledgeable staff who can assist with a wide variety of needs.
  • Forms
    The LAF has a number of forms to cover common circumstances in a lab animal environment.  They include everything from animal care and movement to administrative services.
  • Contact
    The Laboratory Animal Facility (LAF) staff includes several professionals highly capable of providing professional animal care, training researchers and managing the facilities in support of your research goals.  
  • Reporting Injuries When Working with Animals
    Every person working with animals should be aware of the potential danger from animal bites and other mishaps. Report all incidences, no matter how minor. 
  • Departing Faculty Procedures
    Animal researchers need to close all aspects of their research when retiring from the university or departing for other institutions.

Contact Information

Laboratory Animal Facilities

116 Biomedical Education Building
3435 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14214

PHONE: (716) 829-2919
FAX: (716) 829-3249
LAF Email