Students of Concern

Being part of the UB community means that we take care of one another, especially when someone needs help. If you are concerned about a student and not sure where to turn, the Dean of Students Office is here to assist.

What Kind of Concern Should I Refer?

Make sure you know how to recognize a student who may be distressed, or whose behavior is concerning to you because it is disruptive or disturbing. With your help, any student can get the professional care they deserve — and UB can be a safer place for all of us.

Students in distress. Distressed students are those who may be dealing with a mental health issue or crisis that affects their behavior inside or outside of the classroom. 

Disturbing themes. Any written assignment, project, or material that has a disturbing theme or references.

Drastic change. A sudden decline in academic performance, a significant number or absence or a drastic decline in personal appearance can be cause for concern when it is out of the ordinary for a particular student.

Disruption. Disruptive behavior is any behavior that interferes with the rights of other students, faculty and staff and their access to an appropriate learning, living or work environment.

Trauma or loss. A student who has recently experienced any form of crime, misconduct, victimization, or loss may benefit from support.

Threat to self or others. Any incidents or interactions with students that cause you to think they may be a threat to their own or another person’s safety; all verbal, written and implied threats should be documented.

Make a Referral

If you are concerned about a peer, it is important to let someone know so your friend can get the help they need.

  • Concerned about a classmate? Let the teacher or instructor in your classroom know who you’re concerned about and why.
  • Live in a campus residence hall or apartment? Every campus living community has a Resident Assistant or a Community Assistant.
  • Unsure where else you can get help? If you can’t find assistance elsewhere, submit a Peer Referral to the Dean of Students Office.

A situation may be an emergency if you are concerned for your safety or the safety of others or if you believe a student is considering suicide and requires immediate intervention.

  • Call University Police at 716-645-2222 or pick up any blue light emergency phone 
  • Crisis Services of Erie County is an off-campus resource that is also available 24/7; you can call them at 716-834-3131


Campus-wide student support

University at Buffalo
315 Student Union, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260

Phone: (716) 645-2982; Fax: (716) 645-2260

On-campus emergencies and crime prevention, 24/7

Bissell Hall, North Campus

Phone: (716) 645-2227; Emergencies: (716) 645-2222