Public transportation assistance is available for students volunteering their time in the Buffalo community. Students can request an NFTA Pass on UBLinked.
Embark on a transformative journey of service and self-discovery before your college classes begin, as you engage in an immersive community service experience alongside fellow students who share your passion for making a positive impact.
Community Work Study Scholar Program is an experiential learning program for University at Buffalo students who are eligible for the Federal Work Study Program. While the Empire State Service Corp offers similar opportunities, it is open to all students at the University at Buffalo.
Play games, have great conversations, and lots of fun, while making friends from around the world. Come to relax and play non-competitive, get-to-know you games that allow you to form cross cultural friendships. Event is open to all UB international and domestic students from all cultures and backgrounds.
Recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month — and take a stand against dating violence — by wearing a purple bandana to support those affected by domestic violence.
The Student Survivor Advocacy Alliance is a peer-run, university-facilitated group that seeks to unite survivors of sexual assault with allies at UB and take a stand against rape, sexual assault and intimate partner violence.