AlcoholEDU and Sexual Assault Prevention

All new students—grad, undergrad, nontraditional, international, 100% online, and all others—are required to complete these online health and safety trainings.

On this page:

UBITName and password required

Faculty and Staff

Looking for training and information? UB’s Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) offers online training specifically for you.

Please visit the EDI website to learn more.

Requirements and Deadlines for New Students

New students are required to take one or two health and safety courses, depending on your age and student status. Each course has a Part One and a Part Two. Part One will be emailed directly to your UB email address with all of the instructions you need to complete the course(s). Part Two will be sent to you 40 days after you complete Part One.

Use a computer with Internet access, and any major web browser released within the last two years. You will also need audio capabilities. The course is also accessible for students who are hearing or visually impaired, please contact us if you need assistance.

New Vendor for Campus Safety Programs

UB has partnered with Vector Solutions and the Campus Prevention Network to provide trainings that will help us all be informed on topics vital to achieving our goal. These trainings, in addition to being highly interactive and engaging, are based in research around the best practices for healthy communities. 

Responses are Confidential

All survey responses are strictly confidential. UB will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see individual students’ answers. If the course content is troubling to you, please reach out to our office for support.

Required Courses

There are three separate tracks that correlate to your age and student status. Please follow the deadlines for the first semester that you will be entering the university as a new student. You will be emailed your required course(s) directly to your UB email, along with the instructions when the course(s) become available for you to complete.

Fall 2024 Summer 2024
Course Criteria - Summer 2024
Status Age Required Course(s)
First-semester undergrads and incoming transfer students Under 25 as of 05/13/2024

Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates AND

Alcohol EDU

First-semester undergrads and incoming transfer students

25 and over as of 05/13/2024

Sexual Assault Prevention for Adult Learners
Graduate and professional students All ages Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduates
Due Dates - Summer 2024
Important Date Directions
May 13, 2024 Instructions will arrive in your UB email. You can start taking Part 1 of your required course(s) on this date.
May 27, 2024

Students enrolled in Summer Session I (J), 9 Week Sessions (L), 10 Week Sessions (A), 12 Week Sessions (I)
 must complete Part 1 of your required course(s) by this date.

June 23, 2024 Students enrolled in Summer Session II (K) must complete Part 1 of your required course(s) by this date.
July 8, 2024 Students enrolled in Summer Session III (M) must complete Part 1 of your required course(s) by this date.

*For Session X (non-standard students), the expectation is that students will complete part 1 for course(s) before their first day of summer classes.

**For all summer students, part 2 will open 30 days after completion of part 1. 

If you do not complete your requirements, you will have a hold placed on your account until you complete it.

Information for Previous and Returning Students

Re-Entering UB After Time Off

If you were a UB student, but then took a semester or more off and came back to school, you may be flagged as a "new transfer student" in this course. Please contact our office to see if we need you to complete these trainings.

Incomplete Course Requirements - Previous Semester

If you have not completed your required course(s) from a previous semester and you have a hold, let us know via the Help Form below

Information for Parents and Family

You may be interested in speaking with your student about the topics covered in the AlcoholEdu and Sexual Assault Prevention courses. As much as you believe your students do not hear your opinions on these topics, they do value your judgment, advice and the expectation that you have for them.

Resources for Parents of College Students provides information to help have meaningful and productive conversations that may impact your student’s life.


Technical Help

After You Log In

When you’re taking the course, you can click on the “Technical Help” button located on every screen, or view the following links.

Remove a Hold on Your Account

Failure to complete your AlcoholEdu or Sexual Assault Prevention requirements, may result in a hold on your account. You can review your holds at the HUB Student Center via MyUB.

Completed the course already?

Submit the help form below to remove the hold on your account. (If you completed the course at another institution, you will need to provide documentation.)

Help Form

For assistance with other course problems or to have a hold removed please complete the form below.

  • Hold requests will be removed on a first come, first served basis between the hours of  9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday. 
  • Dependent upon timing and volume it may take 24-48 hours for your hold to be lifted.
  • Before contacting us: please double check that all requirements have been met. 

Students need to contact us directly to have their hold lifted.

Last/Family, First Name
(Required) address required
8 digits, no spaces or dashes
Select Your Course Module(s)
Select Your Course Module(s)

Sponsoring Office

Health Promotion

Student Life

University at Buffalo
114 Student Union, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260

Phone: (716) 645-2837; Fax: (716) 645-6234