THURSDAY, February 3, 2000

Moving Up
Mark Deuell, from associate director of communication engineering and repair services to director of operational support services, Computing and Information Technology
Nancy Kielar, from senior staff associate to assistant vice president, University Services
Moving On
Marcia Russell, research scien-tist 4, Research Institute on Addictions
Nancy Sajdak, cleaner, Custodial Services
Dolores Schlager, supervising janitor, Custodial Services
Fred Schnittker, motor vehicle operator, Facilities Operations
Robert Seller, professor, Department of Family Medicine
James Sheehan, carpenter, Facilities Operations
Jerome Slater, professor, Department of Political Science
Charles J. Smith, associate professor, Department of Psychology
David M. Smith, associate director of computing services, Administrative Computing
Leroy Smith, lecturer, Department of English
Richard Smith, maintenance assistant electrician, Facilities Operations
Beverly Speller, site manager III, Academic Services
Bruce Speller, director of campus services, University Print and Mail Services
Harry Sultz, professor, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine
Albert Swain, janitor, Custodial Services
William Swenson, assistant dean for alumni relations, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Ruth Tiedeman, keyboard specialist 1, Office of the President
Jacqueline Thompson, associate professor, School of Nursing
John Thurston, staff associate, University Advancement and Development
Conrad Toepfer, professor, Department of Learning and Instruction
Judith Toomey, stores clerk 1, Department of Clinical Dentistry
Delores Trippe, keyboard specialist 1, Department of Pathology
Penny Tronolone, medical director, Student Health Center
Barbara Umiker, assistant director, Counseling Center
Ahmed Uthman, professor, Department of Oral Diagnostic Sciences
Eugene Vinal, senior staff assistant, Student Health Center
Patricia Waldron, keyboard specialist 1, Department of Linguistics
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