VOLUME 33, NUMBER 16 THURSDAY, February 7, 2002

Photo: Nancy J. Parisi


Kitty Goldman and Katharine Morrison were among the hardy souls who braved the Jan. 31 ice storm to attend the opening night of the 6th International Women's Film Festival at the Market Arcade Film and Arts Centre. Taking their tickets was Sherresse Williams. The festival continues at 7 p.m. today with a screening of "Earth."

Triggle named University Professor
Top SUNY designation recognizes achievement as scientist, administrator, educator

David J. Triggle, SUNY Distinguished Professor in the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and former UB provost, has been named a SUNY University Professor in recognition of his extraordinary achievement as a scientist, administrator and educator.


Architects work to revamp instruction

An interdisciplinary team of UB architects and engineers is working to revolutionize the instruction that architecture students receive when it comes to structural analysis and building technology.


Top Stories...

· UB to collaborate on study to redefine TMD: $5 million project to establish valid and reliable criteria that clinicians can use
· Landscaping plan progresses: Consultant preparing detailed designs for four campus sites
· New pharmacy program offered
· Quattrin studies diabetes-bone link: UB pediatrician urges education about osteoporosis begin at earlier age
· Promoting culture of teaching and learning: Faculty Senate recommendations on instructional effectiveness become UB policy

· Exercise studied for MS: Fisher to look at concept of exercise as treatment for fatigue
· Nursing focuses on diversity
· Exhibition, lectures to honor Cober: Late illustrator and teacher held faculty post at UB from 1987–96

· Sensors printed on spot smaller than dime: Provisional patent filed on work by chemists that could transform sensor technology

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The Reporter is a campus community newspaper published by the Division of University Services, State University of New York at Buffalo. Editorial offices are located at UB News Services, 330 Crofts Hall, Amherst, NY, 14260, 716-645-2626.

The Reporter publishes in print and online every Thursday during the academic year.

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Director of News Services: Arthur Page
Director of Periodicals and Editor: Sue Wuetcher
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Contributing Editors: Lois Baker, Patricia Donovan, Ellen Goldbaum, S.A. Unger, Christine Vidal, Ann Whitcher
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