Writing Consultants

CEW Consultants.

Our people are our greatest asset.  

Meet Our Consultants

Check out the bios below to find a consultant who fits your needs - or just for fun!

Click here to learn more about our consulting community.

Every consultant has different ways of writing and every consultant provides different values and it is important to have different opinions. Overall, every consultant provides different values for my writing.

Amy G.

Amy G        English     Doctoral Student

Amy loves teaching science writing, and her current research focuses on the connections among different forms of popular genre fiction. Her other research interests include literary postmodernism, Derridean philosophy, the history of science, and animal studies. In her spare time, she's a dedicated cat whisperer.

Schedule an appointment with Amy

Picture of writing consultant, Ava.

Ava H.                  English        Doctoral Student  

Ava studies transgender writing at the boundary between text and image. She is also interested in disability justice, mad pride, neurodivergent rights activism, and niche online communities. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys playing obscure video games, making music visualizers, and spending time with her cats.

Make an appointment with Ava.  


Botan D.

Botan D        Philosophy     Doctoral Student

Botan studies philosophy, and his main research interests are the nature of agency and reasoning. He also studied psychology as an undergraduate. Some of his non-academic goals are to produce electronic music, learn to speak German, and become an amateur astronomer. 

The CEW celebrates translingualism. Botan is fluent in Turkish and happy to work with Turkish-speaking students.

Schedule an appointment with Botan

Brandon B.

Brandon B    History     Doctoral Student

An old boss once told Brandon that being able to write a good email would lead to easier jobs and less time unloading trucks. Brandon never forgot that advice. He no longer has that job and is now a PhD candidate in History studying how the possible decimation of beaver populations during the early fur trade era might have affected the Seneca in the 17th century. He also likes breakfast and woodworking.

Schedule an appointment with Brandon

picutre of writing consultant BreAnna.

BreAnna R                      English       Doctoral Student 

BreAnna's research interests include African American literature, Black feminist thought, and contemplative pedagogy. She enjoys pilates, yoga, singing, reading, and biking in her free time. She co-hosts a writing group for graduate students of color every Sunday from 1pm-4pm.

BreAnna’s consulting style uses contemplative pedagogy which involves teaching mindfulness, reflection, creativity, and compassion when writing.     

Schedule an appointment with BreAnna

Picture of writing consultant Carissa.

Carissa D                  Doctoral Student             English 

Carissa's research interests include 20th/21st century postconflict literature, trauma studies, postcolonial studies, and science fiction. She holds an MA in psychology from the University of Denver, and an MA in English from the University of Colorado Boulder.     

Schedule an appointment with Carissa

Cassidy P.

Cassidy P     Classics     Doctoral Student

Cassidy is a native Floridian pursuing her PhD in the Classics Department.  Her research focuses on Roman ceramics in the Arno Valley.  Outside of school, she loves cooking and baking bread, vegetable gardening, and taking her dog Baco on adventures.

Schedule an appointment with Cassidy


Ciara F     English     Doctoral Student

Ciara is currently a second-year PhD student in the English Department at UB. Her interests vary from "pop" Shakespeare adaptations and appropriations to comic books, graphic novels, and cultural studies. In her free time, Ciara enjoys running, fangirling over any and all Marvel and DC content, and taking care of her three cats, Tasha, Bruce, and Peaches (pictured). 

Schedule an appointment with Ciara

Photo of writing consultant Duncan.

Duncan M         Engineering Education       Doctoral Student            

Duncan is a PhD candidate in Engineering Education, studying specifically how future engineering faculty consider learning and teaching. He enjoys reading fantasy novels, staying inside and looking at the snow with his cats, and strategy video games. Duncan also has been described by friends as a social butterfly, and has embraced that reputation.

Schedule an appointment with Duncan. 

emily a.

Emily A     Linguistics     Undergraduate Student

 I am a Linguistics undergraduate student. I have a huge interest in learning more about different cultures. I am also  taking Korean language classes and planning to study abroad in the future; I am fluent in all areas of Spanish as well. In my spare time I enjoy knitting, playing violin and ukulele, as well as baking sweet pastries and painting. I like reading, collecting rare coins from around the world and sleeping :) I have a Mini-Pin named Mia and lastly my favorite flowers are daisies.

The CEW celebrates translingualism. Emily is fluent in Spanish and happy to work with Spanish-speaking students.

Schedule an appointment with Emily

picture of writing center consultant Farrah.

Farrah G             Business Administration      Undergraduate Student            

Farrah is currently an undergraduate student studying business administration. She is currently working towards her goal in pursuing interior design within the hospitality industry. Her research interests include social justice, prison reform, educational policies, and more! When she is not busy, she likes to pursue art and writing in her free time. Her interests include mixed media artwork and design and sculpting, journaling, and finding new ways to create through various mediums.  Farrah is fully capable of understanding and interpreting the Arabic language and is intermediate in reading and writing. She is more than happy to assists those who are Arabic speaking students!

Make an appointment with Farrah

image of consultant.

Jermaline C   Law Student 

Hello fellow writers! My name is Jermaline and it is my pleasure to work with you and help you with your writing. I am a law school student who came to UB to learn the law and how to best practice it. A few months ago I graduated from St. John Fisher University located in Rochester NY, but originally, I am from Brooklyn, NY and I am Haitian American. 

Schedule an appointment with Jermaline.  

Jake S.

Jake S        English     Doctoral Student

Jake's research interests include nationalism and national identities in twentieth-century British and Irish fiction, literature and social sciences, transnational literature relating to migration, and film studies. He enjoys photography, visiting museums, biking, and cooking.

Schedule an appointment with Jake

picture of writing consultant Lianzi.

Lianzi (Lily) O     Education Leadership & Policy     Doctoral Student

 Lily is currently focusing on her dissertation proposal and her research interests in education policy, racial discrimination, comparative studies, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, critical race theory, and queer theory. Writing is one of her passions. As a qualitative researcher, she enjoys observation and interaction with different people of diverse backgrounds. In the Writing Center, she loves to learn from others and seeks to sharpen her skills further. 

The CEW celebrates translingualism.  Lily is fluent in Mandarin and is happy to work  with Mandarin speaking writers.   

Schedule an appointment with Lily. 

Picture of consultant.

Maria A     Environmental Studies     Undergraduate Student

Maria is an undergraduate in Environmental Studies, as well as an amateur connoisseur of teas and birdwatching.  

Schedule an appointment with Maria

Ryan B.

Ryan B        English     Doctoral Student

Ryan is a writer and musician from Florida. As a PhD student in English and Poetics at UB, his current research examines uses of the voice in 20th-century experimental music and poetry.

Schedule an appointment with Ryan


Sherika C     Social Psychology    Doctoral Student

Sherika holds a bachelor's degree in psychology, a master's degree in social work, and is now a second-year doctoral student studying social psychology. Her research interests are loosely based on understanding how people are psychologically and personally impacted by sociohistorical factors. When Sherika is not working as a research lab manager, writing consultant, co-facilitator of a writing group for graduate students of color, and chair of the student committee at The Society for Personality and Social Psychology, she enjoys dancing, music, reading, swimming, yoga, and good laughs with great people. 

Make an appointment with Sherika.  


Spencer W     English     Doctoral Student

Spencer Williams is currently a PhD student in Poetics at UB. Her research interests include contemporary trans poetics, documentary poetics, queer theory, and film theory. She received her MFA in creative writing from Rutgers University-Newark. 

Schedule an appointment with Spencer

Tommy M.          Doctoral Student          English

Tommy is a 1st year PhD Student in the Poetry and Poetics program.  They are currently focused on contemporary experimental poetry, post-colonial poetics, ecopoetry and ecocriticism, new materialism, performance studies and sound studies. They received their BFA in Performance, Writing and Sound from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2020.  Outside of school they are a muscial and an artist, and they enjoy cooking, traveling, hiking, and spending tiem with friends.  

Schedule an appointment with Tommy.  


yueqiu z.

Yueqiu (QQ) Z     Learning and Instruction (LAI)     Doctoral Student

Yueqiu, who also goes by QQ, was born and raised in China. She is getting her doctoral degree in Education, with a research interest in the second language writer’s engagement with on-script feedback. She’s also working on research projects to enhance inclusion in higher-ed for international students. QQ has organized or been involved in programs and activities to advocate for international students and to enhance the quality of their experience at UB.  She craves road trips, and there are three must-go sites on her travel checklist: a museum, National State Parks, and an outdoor market. 

The CEW celebrates translingualism. QQ is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and is happy to work with Mandarin Chinese-speaking students.  

About Our Consulting Community

All of our consultants are students!  We employ undergraduate, MA level, and PhD level consultants. While our consultants come from a variety of disciplines and are at different stages of their academic journeys, they share one thing in common: they are passionate about their own development as writers, and they find working with hardworking, engaged fellow writers to be rewarding work. 

Undergraduate consultants take a semester-long preparation course for working at the Center in which they look at theories of learning and writing development, as well as practical strategies for helping writers.  

Many of our graduate consultants have experience and coursework related to teaching or help us to extend our disciplinary knowledge about writing.  

Our goal is that our CEW community be as diverse as our student community. That means we love to hire students from different racial, ethnic, linguistic, national, socioeconomic, and gender backgrounds.  Consultants who have experience overcoming adversity, coping with learning differences, studying outside of their native languages, add to our overall understanding of how to best support all UB writers. 

CEW consultants regularly share perspectives and learn new concepts and skills through our professional development program.  Your feedback is also vitally important for our continuous improvement.