Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the benefits of using prequalified vendors?

  • Brand integration and consistency: UC provides annual training to the vendors on UB’s overall identity and brand strategy, with detailed instructions on photography, graphical elements, typography, color, etc. As a result, assets associated with UB across all units have a consistent and cohesive look that is aligned with the university’s branding.
  • Time and cost efficiencies: Production can begin immediately after the awarding of a project and submission of a short creative brief. We are also able to take advantage of scale when everyone is using the same group of agencies.
  • University Communications is available to the prequalified vendors as well as UB units as a resource to help navigate any challenges that might arise. Please contact Elena Conti-Blatto or Amy Cassidy for additional support.

Q2. Why was the decision made to select multiple agencies/vendors?

Many units across campus use outside vendors for creative services. Thus, it was deemed important to have a reasonably large selection to ensure timely service and appropriate attention to each unit. We also wanted to provide a range of vendors, from individual freelancers to full-service creative agencies—with expertise in a variety of areas—allowing each unit to find the best fit for their particular projects.

Q3. How do I start working with one of these vendors?

You should fill out a request for quote form that is sent to the selected vendors and follow all applicable procurement guidelines and policies. This includes competitive bidding requirements to ensure price reasonableness. Once the project is awarded, you will begin by filling out a short creative brief. This will help the vendor understand your creative needs as well as the timing. The vendor will then schedule a kickoff meeting to review the brief with you and/or your team.

Q4. If I don’t have experience with any of these vendors, how do I know which vendor will be the best fit for my creative needs?

Please review the vendor information page, which outlines their specialties, as well as presentations and websites to view more of their work. 

Q5. We are working with one of the creative vendors. Can they hire a print vendor to produce the project for me?

No. Each unit is responsible for following all applicable procurement guidelines and policies. This includes competitive bidding requirements to ensure price reasonableness. Your creative services vendor may recommend print or production vendors to include in the bidding process. Contact Procurement if you have questions regarding working with print or production vendors.

Q6. Do I have to use a prequalified vendor for all creative services work?

Yes, you will need to work with a prequalified vendor for all creative/design service projects. The exception would be for editorial services. You are not required to use these vendors for editorial services, including proofreading, but can inquire for a quote. Additionally, if you receive creative services from a freelancer who is a sole proprietor and they are paid via an honorarium, you may continue to use their services. We have every confidence that these prequalified vendors will provide exceptional service to your unit. 

Q7. Why is it necessary to fill out an RFQ form that's issued to selected prequalified vendors? I always just call a vendor and discuss the project verbally. This seems like it will be time-consuming.

The form is helpful when requesting estimates from the chosen vendors, but you are not required to use it.

Q8. If a vendor is not interested, do they have to submit a bid? If they do not respond, are they required to say why?

There is no penalty to a vendor for declining to bid on a project, regardless of the reason. They are not required to provide further information.

Q9. I’ve contacted all vendors and none of them is able to complete my project. What do I do?

In the unlikely scenario that none of the prequalified vendors are able to complete your project, please contact University Communications and Procurement Services to discuss your options.

Q10. What if a vendor has a question about the project?

Vendors may ask questions to the unit representative who filled out the original RFQ via phone or email. If the question and answer are significant enough to change their quote, the question and answer should be remitted to vendors you previously reached out to via email.

Q11. What if a unit realizes there are mistakes within the RFQ?

The unit should notify selected vendors about the correction via email and may provide more time to submit a response, depending on the scope of the error.

Q12. Does the unit's submission deadline begin from the time or the day of submission?

Vendor responses are due by 11:59 p.m. on the date requested in the RFQ. 

Q13. What if a project is canceled while vendors are submitting responses?

The unit representative must notify chosen vendors of the job cancellation via email. 

Q14. What if there is a tie for lowest bidder?

The unit representative may select either option.

Q15. Who is responsible for notifying the awarded vendor and any others who submitted a response?

The unit representative must notify the awarded vendor and any others who submitted. 

Q16. Why is a creative brief necessary?

Regardless of the project's funding source, a creative brief provides a clear outline of the project’s scope and helps the vendor understand all aspects of the project: the objective, target audience, voice and tone of the creative, along with deliverables and timeline. It puts everyone on the same page and makes the ensuing discussions more efficient and effective.

Q17. Who is responsible for proofreading?

If copy is supplied directly by the UB unit, the vendor is not liable for any text errors. Proofreading is incumbent on the unit to facilitate. Should you require additional editorial services such as copywriting and/or proofreading, the selected vendor may provide them at an additional fee. However, there is no requirement to do so.

Q18. Does the vendor have to buy the licenses for the brand typography?

No. University Communications has provided one license per vendor for the typeface families of Sofia Pro, More Pro and Freeland.

Q19. I have more questions. Who do I contact?

Please reach out to University Communications with any further questions.