Augustus H. Shearer Memorial Endowment Fund

Students using the public desktops while studying at Lockwood Memorial Library.

Enhanced education and research opportunities in the Department of Information Science are supported through this fund.

Named for a famed librarian at UB, this fund supports activities throughout the Information Science department in the Graduate School of Education.

Specifically, the fund is used to help the department maintain a leadership position in the field, and provide outstanding services to students and graduates of the department. Funds may be used for a variety of activities and resources, including (but not limited to) curriculum development; faculty or student research projects; purchase of publications, books, equipment and software; and special lectures, seminars or meetings.

The Augustus H. Shearer Memorial Endowment Fund was established by Mr. Robert North, Jr., Ms. Anita Krayenvenger, and Mr. Gerald R. Shields. Dr. Shearer, named "one of the nation's foremost librarians" by the New York Times, oversaw one of UB's largest libraries for nearly 25 years.

UB’s Graduate School of Education is committed to big ideas, to research that enhances education, and to the talented students and faculty who get us there. From producing innovative solutions to education’s most challenging problems to enhancing teacher training and preparation, we’re leading the charge for the future of education right here at UB. Now, your support is the next step as we look to lead the way to the future of education—and change our world.

Other Graduate School of Education Funds

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