UB Global Medicine Fund

A nurse holding a baby in a field hospital.

The purpose of this fund is to support activities such as trips, conferences and other experiential opportunities to educate students about global health priorities.

For many years, UB students have participated in short-term global health mission trips where they provide medical care in an interdisciplinary team setting to individuals in rural areas that have limited resources and fragmented healthcare.

These trips enable UB students to learn how to provide culturally-competent care in a global healthcare setting. They set up "mobile" pharmacies and clinics, dispense medications, counsel patients and assist providers with medication selection. These experiences not only give students hands-on training but teach a level of compassion and patient care that cannot be learned in a classroom.

Your gift will help offset travel and related expenses for UB students and ensure they have the medical supplies necessary to treat all of the individuals in need that they encounter.

Other Jacobs School of Medicine Funds

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