Free Tutoring

Students are tutored by peer in the Tutoring and Academic Support Services (TASS).

We facilitate greater academic success through free in-person tutoring for individuals and groups in our Academic Success Centers provided by Tutoring and Academic Support Services (TASS).

TASS at Campus Living

Drop in and get your questions answered about math, physics, biology and chemistry in the following residence halls

Check out the drop-in tutoring schedule here.

TASS offers additional services including virtual tutoring and coaching. 

Schedule an appointment through UB Navigate

For any questions, email

Need Additional Help?

Academic Assistants are also available in some residence halls, typically in our Living Learning Communities

UB’s Center of Excellence in Writing offers numerous resources, including appointments to help you with your writing. Make an appointment

Your department may also offer additional help, including teaching assistants, office hours, and private tutoring. Please contact your department for details. Contact Your Department.