About Us: The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is the premiere honorary supported by the leading international organization advocating for the interests and welfare of residence hall students, while also providing opportunities for their personal growth and development. NRHH is a leadership-based honorary comprised of exemplary residential students who value recognition, leadership and service.
The Purpose of the Mary Gallivan Chapter of the University at Buffalo shall be a leadership-based honorary comprised of exemplary residential students who value recognition and service. The values of the Mary Gallivan Chapter are as follows:
Leadership: Members will strive to be role models to other students on campus and provide programming to better serve Residential Life at the University at Buffalo.
Community Service: Active members of the chapter shall participate in one Community Service Program per academic semester as a representative of the chapter.
Recognition: Provide recognition for students living on campus at the University at Buffalo who have made outstanding contributions to the Residence Life System and life within Campus Living.
Leadership. Service. Recognition
Apply to become a member. Attend a NRHH program. Come to our monthly general body meetings.
Students must have lived on campus for a minimum of at least one academic term, as defined by the institution.
The Candidate Member is a pre-membership status in which the student has shown interest through intent to become a member of the Mary Gallivan Chapter of NRHH.
An on-campus member of the Mary Gallivan Chapter of NRHH is one that has been inducted into the Chapter and is currently living in on-campus housing.
An off-campus member of the Mary Gallivan Chapter is a member that does not live in institutionally owned or contracted housing but meets the chapter and NACURH membership qualifications. Off-Campus members must meet the following requirements to maintain their membership.
A lifelong member is a member of NRHH that is no longer affiliated with the University at Buffalo as a student due to either graduation or a discontinuation of education.
The "Of the Month" Award or OTM is a service of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) intended to recognize the outstanding contributions of individuals, groups, and programs of on-campus living communities of colleges and universities nation-wide. Any person affiliated with the on-campus living community may submit or be nominated for an OTM.
Every OTM should be month-specific and illustrate how the nominee went above and beyond expectations during the month of nomination. Campus winners are selected each month by the UB NRHH chapter and are submitted to the regional level, where they may be considered for regional and national recognition.
Have you recognized someone lately? If not, OTMs are the perfect way to do just that! Listed below are the different types of OTMs that someone or something can be nominated for along with their criteria.
NRHH members at the Delaware Zoo during their NACURH Annual Conference.
NRHH members participating in their Saturday of Service event, where they engaged in community service around the city of Buffalo.
NRHH members participating in UB's Relay for Life event.
General members participating in Sandwich Saturday's in Goodyear Hall, where they made sandwiches to donate to the Friends of the Night People.