STEAM Job + Internship Fair

UB’s largest job & internship fair for 120+ employers connecting with 3,000+ UB students interested in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics fields.

Registration Closed

The 2024 STEAM Job + Internship Fair is over.  Check back next year for 2025 registration information.

Get notified when 2025 employer registration opens

Complete this form in Bullseye powered by Handshake to get a notification sent to directly your inbox when employer registration opens in summer 2025.

You'll need to sign in to Bullseye powered by Handshake to complete the form.

Get Verified

We want to make sure that the STEAM Job + Internship Fair is the right fit for you and your hiring needs. 

To meet the registration verification criteria, you’ll need to:

  1. Post & Connect: Make sure your job or internship is posted in Bullseye powered by Handshake before completing your registration submission.
  2. Submit Registration for Review: A team member will review your registration to make sure this fair is a good fit for you and your company.
  3. Payment Required: An invoice will be emailed to you, which includes a credit card payment link. Please note: Companies will not be live to students or permitted to participate until payment is made in full by September 17, 2024.

Once payment is received, a confirmation email will be sent, and you'll be officially verified to attend the 2024 STEAM Job + Internship Fair.


✈ Please do not schedule travel until you have received your confirmation email and payment has been received.

Sample Event Schedule

See the fair rates, full event schedule, planning your trip to Buffalotips and more below.

9:30  - 11 a.m. – Employer check-in & booth set-up
10 – 11:30 a.m. - Light Buffalo breakfast in the Blue + White Club
12 - 4 p.m. - STEAM Job + Internship Fair open to all students
12 - 2 p.m. –Lunch available in the Blue + White Club
2 – 4 p.m. – Afternoon snack available in the Blue + White Club

Blue + White Club

On fair day, take a break to enjoy some food and drinks located in an exclusive suite created just for you. Featuring Buffalo’s favorite Paula's donuts, deli sandwiches, and a True Blue snack bar- we are confident you won’t leave hungry, or candidate-less! Did someone say a famous UB Cookie for dessert?


As part of the verification process, once your fair registration has been reviewed by a Career Design Center staff member, an invoice will be emailed to you that includes a credit card payment link.

Once payment is received, a confirmation email will be sent and you'll be officially verified to attend the STEAM Job + Internship Fair.


Companies will not be permitted to attend unless payment is made in full by September 17, 2024.

Fair Rates:

Prime Access

With our highest-level registration offering, Prime Access, you’ll receive the following:

  • Early Access – To student attendee resume books prior to attending the fair.
  • Additional Company-Specific Targeted Marketing – Career Design Center spotlights company through targeted marketing campaign (including logo representation, email blasts, campus signage) prior to fair.
  • Booth Electricity Included – At no extra charge.
  • Company Listing - Company listing in Bullseye powered by Handshake.
  • Recruiters - Four representatives (or company hype people) can attend the fair at your 6x3 ft table.
  • Shuttle Service - Courtesy stampede shuttle service from the Marriott for convenient parking.
  • Breakfast, lunch + light afternoon snacks in the Blue + White Club, an exclusive suite created just for you.
Prime Access Prices:

$575 (electricity included)

True Blue

True Blue includes:

  • One 6x3 ft table
  • Four representatives
  • Company listing on Bullseye powered by Handshake
  • Courtesy stampede shuttle service from the Marriott for convenient parking
  • Lunch & light afternoon snack in the Blue + White Club
True Blue Prices:

$530 (including electricity)
$495 (no electricity)


Non-Profit/Government rate includes:

  • One 6x3 ft table
  • Four representatives
  • Company listing on Bullseye powered by Handshake
  •  Courtesy stampede shuttle service from the Marriott for convenient parking
  • Lunch & light afternoon snack in the Blue + White Club
Non-Profit/Government Price:

$345 (no electricity)

Cancellation Policy:

Registrations will incur a $50 administrative fee on refunds. No refunds will be provided after September 1, 2024 at 5 p.m.

Shipping Materials to the Fair:

If you would like to arrange advance shipping of your display or other event materials, please ship them to the address below. Please arrange for shipments to arrive at least 2 business days prior to the event, Friday, September 27, 2024.

STEAM Job + Internship Fair (c/o Jenna Hubbard)
101 Helm Building
Service Center Road
University at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York 14260-7100

Shipping Materials Back to your Office:

You must have your own shipping labels, filled out completely and placed on all boxes being shipped. You are responsible for calling your shipping company to request pick-up the day after the fair from the Helm Building. Instructions on how to call for pick-up will be provided at the event.


The UB Career Design Center and UB Facilities are not responsible for lost shipments. Shipments that are sent to other locations will not be retrieved by the fair staff.

Traveling to Buffalo

We’re here to help you plan your trip to the University at Buffalo. Find everything you need to plan your visit, including accommodations, travel and more.


Park in the back of Buffalo Niagara Marriott Hotel parking lot located across from UB North Campus at 1340 Millersport Highway, Amherst, NY 14221. No parking passes are needed.

👋 High five to Buffalo Niagara Marriott Hotel for allowing us to use their parking lot.

Directions to the Buffalo Niagara Marriott parking lot 


You may be ticketed if you park on the UB campus.  The UB Career Design Center cannot be held responsible for parking or violation tickets received.

Shuttle Buses

Transportation will be provided from the back of the Buffalo Niagara Marriott Hotel parking lot to Alumni Arena beginning at 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. There will be volunteers to assist with loading any career fair materials onto shuttles. Please reach out to the Career Design Center staff (before Friday, September 27, 2024) if you wish to coordinate an on-site drop-off of materials prior to the start of the career fair as necessary.

Tips for the Job + Internship Fair

  • Post your positions in Bullseye powered by Handshake. This lets students know exactly what you are looking for.
  • Connect your positions with your fair registration. This makes it even easier for students to know what you’re hiring for at the fair.
  • Check All the Right Boxes. The more information the better when registering for a career fair. This is a HUGE factor when looking for the right candidates. Especially when it comes to selecting major groups under the “Looking For” section. Make sure after selecting the “Majors By Group,” look at the “Select Individual Majors” tab and see if all the majors you are looking for are already selected as well. This helps qualified candidates find you.
  • Let students know you are coming to the Job + Internship Fair ahead of time. Search, message and invite students to come visit your table at the fair, all right in Bullseye powered by Handshake. Learn more about sending students a message.
  • Bring swag! Something that students can see, touch or interact with. That's always an attention grabber.
  • Stand out. Be a walking, talking billboard for your organization. Bring table cloths, banners, wear matching shirts and again, more swag. Students want to know who you are and be able to easily identify you from across the room.
  • Check students into your employer booth and follow up with them afterwards! Students want to feel accomplished after leaving your booth, not disappointed that they could have applied online in their room. It’s just one more reason why they will feel excited to see you.
  • Stay until the end. We know that you might need to catch a plane or a train, but please don't leave early. You might be missing the perfect candidate because they decided to come after class instead of skipping it.

     Be social. Post, tweet or share, telling #UBuffalo students you're coming to @UBuffalo for the STEAM Job + Internship Fair. And don’t forget to tag and follow UB Career Design Center on Instagram!


For Recruitment Questions:

Meg Recktenwald

Headshot of Meg Recktenwald.

Associate Director, Employer Relations and External Engagement

For Event Logistics Questions:

Hannah Danielski

Headshot of Hannah Danielski.

Events Coordinator

Submit your question and Meg or Hannah will get back to you.

Having a problem with your Bullseye powered by Handshake account?

Please let us know and submit a help request.