Research Topics: New materialisms, transformational politics; critical race and indigenous theories; queer theory; decolonial methodologies; social and environmental justice; climate justice; cosmopolitics; the Colonial Anthropocene and its critics; the more than human; shamanism; social and historical consciousness; environmental humanities; embodiment and phenomenology; the politics of power and authority; death and dying; self and personhood; genders and sexualities; historicity; social memory and indigenous histories; anthropology of religion; medical anthropology; environmental anthropology; the Global South; indigenous Latin America; Mapuche; Chile; northern Peru.
Research Topics: Archaeological theory; complex societies; colonialism; ethnicity and identity; conflict and conflict resolution; political ecology; pastoralism; agricultural intensification; landscape archaeology; regional analysis; ethnohistory; archaeological chemistry; European archaeology; Iron Age, Medieval, and Early Modern Scandinavia and Ireland
Research Topics: Energy and environment; politics and morality; right-wing populism and emancipatory alternatives in rural Europe; the commodification of space and nature; cultural heritage and memory; Southern Europe, Spain and Catalonia.
Research Topics: Current projects include (1) pollen-based reconstruction of late Pleistocene-early Holocene vegetation change in northern lower Michigan, (2) development of sediment magnetic chronologies as proxies of Late Quaternary paleoclimate change in the lower Great Lakes and Northeast, (3) predictive modeling of early historic vegetation in the forest tension zone of Michigan, and (4) multi-proxy analysis of the Hypsithermal-Neoglacial transition (6000 - 3500 BP) in New York and its relationship to Late Archaic cultural dynamics.
Research Topics: Dr. Gil-García has worked with colleagues on how US immigration enforcement priorities create barriers to health services for unaccompanied minors. He has also co-authored articles with students that explore the policy relevance of broadening healthcare to the undocumented and health impacts of family separations.
Research Interests: Global flow of Traditional Ecological Knowledge; Historical Archaeology of the English-Speaking Caribbean; Transatlantic Slavery; 18th-century Bioprospecting; Human-ecodynamics
Research Topics: Health Inequalities; Culture and Reproduction; Gender/Masculinities; Childlessness/Infertility; Medical Anthropology; Loneliness and Belonging; Germany/Europe; India
Research Topics: Self and other in religious practice; Care in social practice and political theory; Regimes of value; Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity; United States, southern Africa.
Research Topics: Evolutionary Anthropology; Physical Anthropology; Cultural Transmission; Human Evolution; Social Learning; Lithic Analysis; Experiments
Research Topics: The Balkans; Eastern Europe; violence; political anthropology; the anthropology of war and peace; the interface between social anthropology and policy-making; conflict management and prevention; post-conflict stabilization, and democracy building
Research Topics: Lithic Analysis; Iroquoian Studies; Gender Archaeology; Cultural Resource Management and Historic Preservation; Northeastern North America
Research Topics: Political economy, landscape archaeology, mortuary theory, evolutionary theory, signaling theory, increasing social complexity, origins of inequality, cremation, metal procurement, public archaeology, sustainable mining, community engaged-research, archaeological survey, geophysics, radiocarbon analyses, GIS, Europe, North America, Near East.
Research Topics: Migration and Mobility; Brexit; Social Space and Emplacement; Rural and Urban Anthropology; Social Theory (esp. Pierre Bourdieu); Ethnographic Narrative and Autoethnography; Education and Youth; Vietnamese Diaspora (U.S.); Europe (including the European Union), France, England