Current projects include (1) pollen-based reconstruction of late Pleistocene-early Holocene vegetation change in northern lower Michigan, (2) development of sediment magnetic chronologies as proxies of Late Quaternary paleoclimate change in the lower Great Lakes and Northeast, (3) predictive modeling of early historic vegetation in the forest tension zone of Michigan, and (4) multi-proxy analysis of the Hypsithermal-Neoglacial transition (6000 - 3500 BP) in New York and its relationship to Late Archaic cultural dynamics.
My research interests are focused on reconstructing Late Quaternary paleoecological and paleoclimatic conditions in northeastern North America using proxies derived from lake, wetland, floodplain, and archaeological sediments (e.g., pollen, plant macrofossils, charcoal, environmental magnetism). I am particularly interested in understanding compositional responses of the region's vegetation communities to past anthropogenic and climatic modulators.
Undergraduate Courses
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