Arthur A. Raney


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Arthur A. Raney


Arthur A. Raney


Director of Graduate Studies

Scholarly Interests

Media processes and effects; entertainment theory; media and morality; positive media psychology.


Art Raney studies psychological processes and effects associated with media selection and use. In much of his work, he investigates how and why we enjoy and appreciate entertainment content, with specific interest in the roles that morality and moral emotions play in those processes. Further, he explores how eudaimonic and self-transcendent media experiences can lead to beneficial outcomes and well-being. His book—Introduction to Positive Media Psychology (co-authored with Sophie Janicke-Bowles, Katherine R. Dale, and Mary Beth Oliver, 2021, Routledge)—provided the first systematic overview of this growing research area. He has published more than 100 journal articles, book chapters, and proceedings, as well as edited three other books, including the fourth edition of Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research (with Mary Beth Oliver and Jennings Bryant, 2020, Routledge).

Educational Background

  • PhD, University of Alabama
  • MA, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • BA, Communication, University of Alabama

Recent Courses

  • COM 467: Media and Well-Being

Current Research

  • Exploring the relationship between media entertainment use and (1) self-transcendent experiences, (2) moral/character development, and (3) social connectedness.

Selected Publications

Anderson, L. C., & Raney, A. A. (2023). Revisiting the relationship between sports fandom and the Black criminal stereotype: A replication and extension study. Communication & Sport. Advanced online publication.

Raney, A. A., Ai, A. L., & Oliver, M. B. (2022). Exploring the impact of media use on well-being following a natural disaster. Frontiers in Communication, 7-967383.

Oliver, M. B., Raney, A. A., Bartsch, A., Janicke-Bowles, S. H., Appel, M., & Dale, K. (2021). Model of inspiring media. Journal of Media Psychology, 33(4), 191-201.

Possler, D., & Raney, A. A. (2021). Entertained by amazement and wonder: The role of the emotion awe in media reception. In P. Vorderer, & C. Klimmt (Eds.). The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory (pp. 419-436). Oxford University Press.

Raney, A. A., & Baldwin, J. A. (2021). The role of morality in emotional responses to entertainment. In K. Döveling & E. Konijn (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of emotions and media (2nd ed., pp. 112-128). Routledge.