Frank Tutzauer


Frank Tutzauer.

Frank Tutzauer


Frank Tutzauer


Scholarly Interests

Social Network Analysis Conflict Theory Game Theory Bargaining and Negotiation Chaos Theory

I’m in the Department of Communication at the University at Buffalo where, at one time or another, I have served as Faculty Senator, Director of Graduate Studies, and Chair of the Department.  My research interests include the study of strategic dynamics in conflict resolution, network analysis, game theory, and the mathematical modeling of communicative phenomena.  My research has appeared in such journals as Behavioral Science, Communication Monographs, Social Networks, and the Journal of Mathematical Sociology.  Away from the University, I spent ten years as a successful pitmaster on the competitive BBQ circuit, and I have an expert level understanding of my favorite beverage—beer.  Plus…I’m a huge Bills fan.

Educational Background

  • PhD, Northwestern University
  • MA, Northwestern University
  • BS, Southwestern College

Recent Courses

  • COM 360: Social Network Analysis (4 sections)
  • COM 360: Social Network Analysis (4 sections--Singapore)
  • COM 420: Conflict Theory (3 sections)
  • COM 420: Conflict Theory (2 sections--Singapore)
  • COM 518: Statistics I (3 sections)
  • COM 519: Statistics II (5 sections)
  • COM 632: Topics—Social Network Analysis
  • COM 680: Topics—Social Network Analysis

Current Research

  • Smooth Fractionations of Nash Bargaining Games (a game theoretic analysis of whether and when one should split a large dispute into two smaller disputes)
  • Continuous-Valued Payoff Functions of 2x2 Games (extending the 2x2 case to the infinite-choice case)
  • Evolutionary Mechanisms in the Prisoner’s Dilemma (comparing a fitness mechanism to an imitation mechanism as the impetus for long-term evolution in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma)

Selected Publications

Feeley, T. H, & Tutzauer, F. (2021). The faculty hiring network for PhD-granting communication programs.  Scientometrics, 126, 3983-4003.

Tutzauer, F.  (2013).  A family of affiliation indices for two-mode networks.  Journal of Social Structure, 14(2), 1-19. Available at Download pdf.

Tutzauer, F., & *Elbirt, B.  (2009).  Entropy-based centralization and its sampling distribution in directed communication networks.  Communication Monographs, 76, 251-375.

Tutzauer, F.  (2007a).  Entropy as a measure of centrality in networks characterized by path-transfer flow.  Social Networks, 29,  249-265. 

Tutzauer, F.  (2007b).  A matrix approach to generalizing Axelrod-type tournaments.  Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 31, 249-266.