AI Seed Funds

The Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs has dedicated funds to enable faculty across the campus to integrate generative AI into course and curricular redesign.

Generative AI technology can produce text, imagery, audio, and synthetic data, and we are seeking projects that leverage this technology to facilitate teaching and learning. Desired outcomes of seed funds include:

  • Incentivizing innovative uses of generative AI in teaching and learning across undergraduate, graduate, and professional education.
  • Creating communities of practitioners who can serve as a resource for instructors interested in using generative AI in their classes.
  • Learning about challenges, best practices, and infrastructure needs to ensure that the use of generative AI promotes excellence in student learning.

Learn About Current and Past Projects

  • AI Seed Fund Recipients
    Recipients of AI seed funds have developed innovative projects that advance the use of generative AI in teaching and learning at UB. This page highlights the recipients whose creative ideas transform how GenAI is integrated into educational practices. From enhancing classroom experiences to developing new approaches to teaching, these projects showcase the potential of  GenAI to enrich education.

Proposal Categories

Allocated seed grant funds may be used for a variety of purposes, such as bringing external speakers to campus, creating working groups and learning communities within and across majors and degree programs, or enhancing an existing course.

Project categories include:

Project Requirements

Funded projects must be implemented in spring 2025 and must be scalable. If funded, project leads will work with Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation (CATT) to assess the project’s impact on student learning. Additionally, project leads will participate in an associated AI learning community (convened by CATT) throughout the academic year.

Additional Project Requirements:

  • Use of funds for self-payment is not permitted.
  • Hiring support must be provided by the hiring department.
  • Procurement support must be provided by the purchasing department. (Equipment purchasing support can be provided by CATT.)
  • These funds are only available to full-time faculty.

Submit Your Proposal

The 2024-25 request for proposals is now closed.

Thank you to all those that submitted a proposal! This page will be updated with any additional funding opportunities as they become available. Any questions about this initiative can be directed to