Participant Responsibilities

We have put together information for participants to make account creation, enrollment and access to content as easy as possible.



Content is hosted on UB Learns. Guides for using UB Learns are available on the Learning Management System support site.

Additional questions, including refund requests, should be directed to the course instructors or sponsoring departments.


  • Participants must create and use a single UB CPE account and cannot use an email address.
  • Please document your username and password for future logins.
  • Participants can submit a request to reset a password using the UBCPE Password Reset Request.
  • Password reset emails are sent by the end of the following business day.

Accessing Content

  • Participants enrolling in an offering must agree to UB’s Terms & Conditions/Website Privacy Policy during enrollment.
  • Participants who purchase a course can only purchase one course per payment session.
  • Sponsoring units or departments may promote enrollment on their website or via a direct link in email.

Returning to the Course Content After Enrollment

You must use the UB CPE Login option (bottom of the page). Do not use the Log in to UB Learns option.

  1.  Go to
  2. Open the UB CPE Login option (bottom of the page). Do not use the Log in to UB Learns option.
  3. Enter your UB CPE username (the email address you used when creating your account) and password.
  4. Click Log In.
  5. Access active courses using the My Courses widget or the Course Selector (waffle icon at the top of the page).


New to UB CPE (I Need to Create an Account)

  1. Go to and click View Offering for the offering you want. You can use a direct URL to the offering if provided.
  2. Click Enroll (Free).
  3. Click Create a New Account.
  4. Under Account Details:
    • Enter your first and last name.
    • Enter your email address. This will be your username.
    • Enter and confirm a password. Passwords must include all of the following:
      • At least 10 characters
      • At least one uppercase, one lowercase and one number
  5. Under Contact Details:
    • Enter your address, city, state, zip and country.
  6. Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  7. Click Create Account.
  8. Wait for the transaction receipt page to display.
  9. Click Access your course now from the transaction receipt page to go to UB Learns.
  10. Access active courses using the My Courses widget or the Course Selector (waffle icon at the top of the page) in UB Learns.

Returning to UB CPE (I Have an Account)

  1. Go to and click View Offering for the offering you want. You can use a direct URL to the offering if provided.
  2. Click Enroll (Free).
  3. Click Login.
  4. Open the UB CPE Login option (bottom of the page). Do not use the Log in to UB Learns option.
  5. Enter your UB CPE username and password.
  6. Click Log In.
  7. Wait for the transaction receipt page to be displayed.
  8. Click Access your course now from the transaction receipt page to go to UB Learns.
  9. Access active courses using the My Courses widget or the Course Selector (waffle icon at the top of the page).