Units and departments provide information during the initial setup process, promote offerings, work with UB Financial Management if a fee is charged and are the first point of contact for support questions from participants.
Units and departments who wish to offer content through UB CPE will need to meet at least one of the following criteria:
Each department should have an established refund policy. Participants should be encouraged to keep their UB CPE enrollment confirmation email containing instructions on accessing the content on UB Learns. This email has information that will help with processing refunds. Once the unit or department has decided that a full or partial refund is necessary, they will use the UB Continuing and Professional Education Support form to request the processing of the refund.
Guides for Instructors are available on the UB Learns support site.
UB instructors, facilitators, teaching assistants, course builders and graders can request instructional support by submitting a ticket to the UB CPE support team.
Content is hosted on UB Learns. Guides for Instructors are available on the UB Learns support site.
In addition, instructors with active UBITNames can request help with instructional design for their courses.
Have a question or problem? Submit a support ticket to the UB CPE support team.