Accelerating Elementary Student Success (ACCESS) in Reading

Longstanding disparities in elementary students’ reading growth widened from instructional inconsistencies due to COVID-19 school closures and shifts to hybrid and remote instruction. Elementary students experienced less growth in reading proficiency between 2019-2022 than prior to the pandemic; slower growth rates were experienced by populations historically underserved by schools. Clearly, there is a critical need for research on feasible and effective programs with potential to accelerate reading growth for students experiencing reading difficulties.

Project Goals

This project aims to accelerate reading growth for elementary students in diverse schools by training university student tutors to implement a small-group instruction using an evidence-based model of differentiated reading instruction, interactive read-alouds, and shared reading of grade-level text.

In partnership with diverse elementary schools, we train and support university student tutors in the implementation of assessment-based differentiated reading instruction to improve students’ foundational reading skills and interactive read-alouds or shared reading of grade-level text with culturally relevant texts to build vocabulary and comprehension. Building on pilot studies with positive effects during summer school, we will develop, refine, and test the program by conducting additional experimental and quasi-experimental studies. Results will inform the feasibility of tutoring programs to support long-term recovery from COVID-19 and disparities in reading achievement for diverse students.

Project Team

School Partners

  • Charter School for Applied Technologies
  • Sweet Home Central School District