In the Communities of Care project, we focus on communities of care in Buffalo to think with study participants about the everyday ways that those impacted by disability, both caregivers and those receiving care, including poor, racialized, and disabled people, navigate and negotiate living, working, and accessing vital healthcare and other needs

We use “communities of care” to extend our understanding of care networks beyond formalized healthcare settings to include the vital care that takes place in the home, in neighborhoods, and in other settings. We also consider care as work – both in its more formal settings and in the informal spaces in which it most often occurs.

We are exploring the ways in which this work has been/is gendered and racialized and the implications that this has for the formation of caregiving/receiving relationships and worker organizing.

We are creating a permanent digital archive and exhibition space made available to community members, students, and researchers of all levels. We are bringing together community people, artists, and scholars involved in giving and receiving care to share their stories through interviews, creative writing, memoir, and art making, as well as other approaches that interact with the “communities of care” theme.

The Communities of Care project amplifies the voices of those whose stories are not often heard, both the caregivers and those receiving care; and will focus on the intersection of disability, race, and gender.


Communities of Care Invites Grant Proposals

The Communities of Care project seeks proposals for Individual Artist Grants, UB Research Pilot Grants, and UB Course Development Grants. These grants are meant to provide individuals or groups with the funds to formulate or pilot humanities-based research related to the themes of the Mellon “Communities of Care” project. Applicants may define “community” and “care” broadly. We are especially interested in work that explores the intersections of care, community, race, disability (which may include mental health and chronic illness), gender, and sexuality. Ideally, these seed grants will enable recipients to apply for external funding to continue their work.

2025 Call for Grant Proposals >

UB Center for Disability Studies

The Center for Disability Studies offers academic degree programs that provide students and community members with the tools needed to advance the study of disability within the humanities in collaboration with social sciences, education, law, and the health sciences. Learn more.

UB Gender Institute

A university-wide research center founded in 1997, the Gender Institute offers grants and awards to UB faculty and students. We support scholarship on women and on the intricate connections between gender and other social forces, such as sexuality, race, class, health, age, religion, and place. Learn more.


Our mission is to improve the health of populations, communities and individuals through disciplinary and interdisciplinary education, research and service. Through a range of research initiatives and centers, the School of Public Health and Health Professions is contributing to improved health for populations, communities and individuals. Learn more.