Communities of Care Project is housed on UB's Downtown Campus, as part of Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus at 1021 Main St., Buffalo NY, 14203-1016
The Communities of Care project is led by UB faculty. They are involved in all aspects of the project, both in the community and within the university.
Isabel Fernando
Community Liaison
Communities of Care Project
Laurel Payne
Communities of Care; Program and Operations Manager
Department of History
Email: bnpryor@
Marie Sepulchre, PhD
Communities of Care; Visiting Research Scholar (Fall 2024)
Department of History
1021 Main St. #271, Buffalo NY 14203-1016
Dr. Sépulchre started her work in Disability Studies by analysing the citizenship claims of disability activists in Sweden. She then examined, from an intersectional perspective, how the right to non-discrimination based on disability is understood and implemented in Sweden and the United States. Dr. Sépulchre’s current projects focus on communities of care, disability rights and justice, and freedom as non-domination.
Marie Sépulchre holds a PhD in Sociology from Uppsala University (Sweden). She is an assistant professor at the School of Social Work at Lund University (Sweden) and a visiting scholar in the Center for Disability Studies at the University at Buffalo, on the Communities of Care project. Sépulchre is a member of the board of the Nordic Network on Disability Research. Her research has been published in the International Journal of Disability and Social Justice, the Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, Disability & Society, Disability & Rehabilitation, Critical Social Policy, Social Inclusion, and Alter – the European Journal of Disability Research. Sépulchre was awarded the Alter Young Author Prize in 2019. Her book Disability and Citizenship Studies (Routledge 2021) unpacks the struggle for citizenship of Swedish disability activists. More information:
Drew McEwan
Postdoctoral Associate
Communities of Care Project
1021 Main St. #270, Buffalo NY 14203-1016
Email: drewmcew@
Tabetha Violet
Postdoctoral Associate
Communities of Care Project
1021 Main St. #272, Buffalo NY 14203-1016
Email: tabethav@