Strategic Initiatives and Engagement

  • Campus Cyber Infrastructure Master Plan
    The VPCIO organization is charged with providing vision, leadership, and long-range direction for the delivery of a robust and innovative cyber infrastructure to advance the university’s research and educational missions.
  • UBIT Top Projects
    Learn how UB Information Technology is making sure that our students, faculty and staff have everything they need for success with these recent project highlights.
  • UB Campus Engagement
    UB Information Technology keeps its campus constituents informed through several channels, including newsletters, surveys, UBIT Alerts, messages from our VPCIO and social media.
  • Reports
    UBIT conducts regular surveys to understand how our constituents are using technology, to identify trends which will inform planning, and to develop service improvements. UBIT synthesizes this data, produces rigorous reports and makes data gathered available to the public.
  • UBIT Technology Town Halls
    Several times throughout the year, UBIT hosts "town hall-style" events as part of a broader effort to give faculty a voice in defining a vision of technology in research and instruction at the University at Buffalo.
  • UBIT Innovative Technologies Award
    Student assistants working in the VPCIO area: Want to develop cutting-edge skills, learn problem-solving techniques or work on professional development? 
  • Microsoft 365 Information Session
    Watch the information session about moving to Microsoft 365.
  • Strategic Project Management Dashboards
    View project management dashboards.
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Contact the UBIT Help Center.