Creating Undergraduate Learning Through Unity, Resources and Equity (CULTURE)

A graduating student walking across the stage to receive her diploma during the ALANA celebration.

CULTURE creates a welcoming campus environment to eliminate barriers to equal opportunity and access, and support first-year and continuing students through their college and career goals. 

About Us

In June 2020, President Tripathi convened the President's Advisory Council on Race (PACOR) to help guide the university's progress in realizing the ideals of equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice in its educational, research and engagement missions. 

In line with the recommendations of the Advisory Council, Academic Affairs launched the Creating Undergraduate Learning Through Unity, Resources and Equity (CULTURE) Program. CULTURE is housed within Cora P. Maloney Center (CPMC) and offers support to students from different backgrounds and lived experiences, including students who are not affiliated with other campus support services or programs at UB.

CULTURE will engage with participating students to assess their academic, personal and financial needs and deliver relevant programming. The program will support students through peer mentoring, focus groups and workshops, prioritizing a sense of belonging and connection to empower them on their academic journey.